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Green eyes glared into black ones, "Do you seriously think that?"
"What else am I supposed to think?"
"Oh I don't know," green eyes narrowed. The wind picked up slightly, as it was fall time. "Maybe that we're just friends, nothing more!"
"You spend more time with him than me! How's that just friends?"
"We're working on a project together!"
"No one else in your class is!"
"I told you! It's only him and me assigned it!"
"Bull! You like him, don't you?"
"You really believe that?" She stopped yelling. She was starting to find it pointless. All Uchiha's seemed to think they were always right. Especially this one.
"What else am I supposed to believe, Huh?"
Belle internally sighed. She picked up her bag from the floor beside her; she had dropped it in anger at her boyfriend. "Maybe the fact we've been together since freshman year, Sasuke, and I've done nothing for you to ever question me..." and with that... she turned and walked away from him. For good.


"Don't worry about it Belle. Sasuke is just being a teme again! Believe it!" The knuckle headed school mascot, Naruto, beamed. Belle sighed, she wondered how Naruto could stay so collective about this. His best friend, her lover, believed they were going being his back.
"How are you so calm?" She questioned.
Naruto's blue eyes beamed in the sun that came from the window he sat parallel to, "He's just butthurt he's kept in the dark about this. But it doesn't help that no one else knows so they can't keep the ploy going..." he placed his hand on his chin, rubbing an imaginary beard. His optimism and density in one always cheered her up.

4 days later

"Naruto!!!!!" A voice wailed and crashed into his bedroom door, as he just shut it.
"Eh!?" He slammed open his door and saw his crumbled friend on the floor; fetal position with tears streaming down her face. "What happened!?" He scooped her up and placed her on his beanbag, her weight causing it to sink down, taking her with it.... just like her heart.
"H-he.... he... he.... wahhh!!!" Belle cried, unable to tell him.
"Who?" He rubbed her back, trying his best to calm the wailing girl. He was panicking, and knew it wouldn't be long before he too, ended up in tears. He hated not being able to help his friends.
"It's over!" Was the only thing she could finish, before collapsing her head into her hands once more, a new set of tears cascading down her face. At that, Naruto knew. His eyes narrowed and his once worried face scowled. How could he?
How could Sasuke leave her?


Belle brushed down her skirt before entering the cafe. Sasuke has told her he wanted to meet her after he had a day to think and another day of Naruto berating him. She knew what it was about. He always took her here when he wanted to say those three words. And she the same. It was a mutual thing they did, and it was something they both loved. They didn't always have to hear the words, sometimes there would be a nonverbal clue. Like her favorite drink and snack resting at her seat, him in his spot sipping coffee with a tomato bagel. His chin placed in his hand, eyes averted to the side, a blush adorning his pale face. She shyly grinned at the thought of what await her. She was happy he finally came to reason.
He finally understood.
She walked towards their table, seeing Sasuke already there. She smiled and gave a small wave, before slowing down. Her smile turned into a frown once she scanned the table. No coffee for Sasuke. No hand under his chin. No blush.
Maybe he was sick?
That had to be it.
But....she wasn't. So where was her drink and snack?
Maybe he was broke? She shook her head at that thought; they had a shared tab just for this place. She awkwardly sat down, crossing her ankles. "Have you decided?" Her voice was small, but hopeful.
There had to be a reason.
This was their sorry place!
His dark eyes looked into her green ones. Hers widened; his were red, but empty. He had cried. From the bags she could tell it had been a long night for him. "Oh Sasuke," she reached for his hand, but frowned. He has pulled his hand back before she could make contact. "Sa...Sasuke?"
"Belle," she blinked. He never called her Belle. Not even when they first met. He took a deep breath, as if what he said next would change their lives.
And it did.
"I want out."
Those were not the three words she expected to hear.

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