Against the Teenage World

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*Ring Ring*

3rd Day of My New School:

"HOLY CRAP! Not again." As I speed up, so I get to class on time because I cant afford another tardy, my clumsiness gets the best of me. And if it wasn't bad enough I fell right in front of him. My papers flew everywhere and I couldn't find my pen. At first I thought, " It's ok. It will be cute, like in the movies. He will walk over to me help me gather my things and then we would fall madly in love and end up getting married many years later. And then maybe have a kid or seven, in a pink house with a white picket fence." I guess I got a little ahead of myself because that is not even what was close to what actually happened. He made things so much worse. When he noticed that I was on all fours trying to gather my belongings he began to laugh with his friends. Then it was almost like the leader of the group whispered something to him. I couldn't really see, due to the predicament I was in. But he began to get closer and closer, I was frightened but yet at the same time kind of excited to see what was going to happen. Even though I was excited my fright got the best of me and I grabbed my things a quickly as possible and jumped up. Just as he was about to open his mouth and say something I said "I love you too," I said it so quickly and confidently; almost like I knew he was going to say it back. But of course my life could not be that perfect. Once I realized what I had said I followed it up with "You're late for class" as soon as the last word left my mouth I was out of there. My gym teacher has never seen me run that fast. I am chubby. Anyway not the point. I was mortified. I felt like I couldn't show my face in school. Which I don't understand because no one even knows I go to that school. I the chubbiest and tallest person at that school yet people still manage to run right over me. UGH!!!!

Anyway at least now the day is almost over. I only have one period to go.

* Ava Night to the office please, Ava Night to the office*

Ugh!! That's just my luck. I'm so ready to go home. Hey maybe my mom is picking me up early. I hope so.

Ava: High I'm Ava Night. I think I was called to the office.

Cher:Gosh you walk slow. Cant you get that big ass in here any faster

Ava: 'Well I'm here now so I think you could calm down with the sass' is what I would have said if I was more confident but I'm not so I just ended up awkwardly giggling.

Cher: Anyway, here your schedule has been changed. You now have all new class periods.

I don't know if this is good news or bad. I hate having to go meet all new students but I didn't like the ones in my previous classes. I guess I will give it a shot.

First day with new classes:

This time I have first period P.E. which I guess is good since I could be a little bit late to class because P.E. starts 15 minutes after the tardy bell rings. So far so good.

The end of fifth period roles around and I'm excited to see who I have for my last class. So far my day was going good, but I knew something bad was bound to happen. I could feel it. Once the bell rang i practically ran to my last class.......chemistry. I hate chemistry but I still wanted to see who was in that class with me. I got there so fast that I was the first student in the classroom. It was just me and the teacher for now. We have assigned seats so I was happy I was a bit early because that meant I could get situated before everyone came in. Oh and I forgot to mention that the desks are just tables big enough for two. That meant I was getting a partner. Maybe we could be best friends. The minute bell rang for class to start and that was when all the students began to pour through the doors. I then realized I forgot to take out my notebook. I quickly turned around to grab it. Once I turned around my partner was sitting in his seat. KARMA IS A BITCH!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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