The man on the motorbike

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I rode buy bike full speed down the streets of New York without a care in the world. I made a sharp turn in an empty ally way. I stopped my bike and stepped off. I took a good look at my bike before thinking how much I missed this how much I loved riding in the streets of New York with out a fear in the world or people shooting at me.

Let me clear things up. I'm what you call a spy.  I'm a Highly trained military operative. And one of the governments strongest allies. I alone can take down an entire army. Not to brag but I'm awesome. Also,nobody knows who I am. They just call me the man in the motorbike. The people I work with never see me without my helmet and the people I see on a daily basis never see me with my helmet.

I don't have a name so you can just call me "Man" or "The Man" depending on how awesome you think I am.

I stood in the ally way stretching my legs. Riding a motorcycle all the time kind of numbs the muscles.
As I stood in the darkness of the ally I heard a girl scream. I quickly turn my head to a girl being shoved against the wall my a hooded person.

Not knowing what he was gonna do I decided to make my presence noticed.

I whistled and both the person and girl looked at me.

"Who are you" what seemed to be a mans deep scratchy drunk voice spoke.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked as I walked closer.

"STOP! Get any closer and I'll hurt her" the man spoke of what seemed to be a knife pressed to her neck.

"Okay" I simply replied.

The woman looked at me shocked and the man was speechless.

"What?" They both spoke.

"I mean I don't care if you hurt her. I don't even know her. So do what you want" I said as I leaned against the brick wall.

I couldn't help but smirk knowing everything was falling into place.

"But if I may you're doing it wrong" I spoke with a sly smirk that nobody can see due to my helmet.

"What are you talking about" the man asked.

I stepped closer to the man and the woman.

"That's not how you mug,well I presume that's what you were trying to do" I told him

"You would do it a little something like this" I swiftly threw a hard punch into his face.

"And then you would do this" I threw another punch at his rib cage.

"And then like this" I effortlessly jumped and kicked him in the head cause if him to fall unconscious.

I began to walk toward my bike.

"THANK YOU" I heard the woman call out. I just ignored and turned the ignition. I rode my bike toward the girl and stopped.

"Hop on" I said nonchalantly.

"W-what" she asked shocked.

"I don't like to repeat myself" I looked at her and really began to notice her facial features. Beautiful if must say. Sharp jawline. Vivid cheekbones. Plump lips. Breathtaking eyes.

Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize she had hesitantly stepped toward me. I pulled the extra helmet from the bag that hung on the back of my bike. I handed it to her.

With no trust in me she began to second guess her decision.

"I don't have all night and I don't like to take no for an answer. So once more get on. Now" I told her with clear force and irritancy in my voice.

She put the helmet on and sat on the back of my bike.

As she was getting situated my bike helmet was already running facial recognition.

"Hm. Well hello Diane Guerrero." I said to myself.

All her personal and non personal information popped up on the side of the face shield of my helmet.

Not wanting to waste time. I speed off into the busy streets of London.

"Wait how do you know where I live" she screamed over the busy New York traffic.

I just ignored her and kept going. After 15 minutes I pulled up into her apartment building. I stopped my bike and waited for her to get off.

"Thank you" she told me once again after she got off my bike.

"No problem" I replied as I cracked my knuckles trying to relax the string tension in my hands from the motorbike throttle.

"Do I not get your name?" She asked as she placed her hands on the handle.

"No" it was as simple as that.

"I can't know the person who saved my life" she said with a bit of frustration in her voice.

"First of all I didn't save your life. Push comes to shove you would've only been missing a few bucks. And second you can call me the man on the motorbike. " I put my gloves back in ready to drive off.

"What the fuck. I take it I can't see your face either"

"Fast learner. But if your a good girl you might" I drove off before she can say anything else.

Alright there are gonna be 2 parts to this I'll start writing them ASAP. But what did you think? I feel like I wrote better like this than the GIF ones. But remember requests are open.

Maritza Ramos/Diane Guerrero imagines Where stories live. Discover now