March 18, 2013 - New York City
"No one's gonna care, Alexander. She was a nobody that ran away from home. Parent's are in rehab, no friends, no immediate family - " Alexander turned to Nikodemos with a sharp, stern look in his eyes and let out an infuriating grunt. "Do not test my patience, Niko. You know what could have happened had this child been born". He kneels down at a pool of blood next to a young woman with golden blonde hair still gasping for her life while firmly holding her stomach. Alexander softly lifts her back and brings her closer to him while lightly brushing the hair away from her brow. "Shh Shhh.... you'll be home soon. Though when you're there, be a dear and let Daddy know we'll be home as soon as we're done here." While slowly setting her down, Alexander faintly blows his breath over her eyes releasing her spirit. Her limbs go limp and head falls straight down. "I hope you at least had fun." Alexander gets up from his knees and firmly grabs Niko by his shoulder.
"It was to say the least interesting. I never knew the sensations of this realm could be so... taxing." Niko replied with a sly smirk on his face.
"For our realms sake, please use protection. I'm all for having fun but our entire mission would be compromised should this happen again." Alexander exclaimed as the two get into his vehicle preparing to drive off.
"Well, the gratifying means are through the sensation, Alexander. How do you expect me to feel it if I use protection, haha" Niko jokingly questioned him while resting his hands behind his head."
Without hesitation, Alexander quickly clasp the collar of Niko's shirt and pulled him in. "Hear me boy, I will kill you myself the very moment you've climaxed. You'll be sent to the realm of no redemption for eternity, and I will not plead your case." With a look of fear in his eyes, Niko replies "And you! You'll be right there with me, brother" Acknowledging the foolishness behind Niko's words, an evil grin embosses Alexanders face as he replies "By then I would have returned a King"
3 Months Later
"Surprise!!!!" Lights turn on in a dark room filled with cheering co-workers, party decorations and a somewhat surprised look coming from Alexander. "You guys! Wow..uh... What is this for?" He asks.
"Well DUH! Your brother Nick called us a few days ago and let us know that it was somebody's birthday today. I put together potluck and thought it would be nice to surprise ya." Alex's coworker Patrick replied. Patrick was the office "Flanders" and would always go out of his way to be the best of friends with everyone in the office. Thick glasses, male patterned baldness all but around the back of his head, fairly overweight yet loved to dress as professional as possible at all times. Even if most of the time what he wore didn't quite fit him.
"He did, did he?..." Alex said with a less than amused look on his face at first then began to smile. "Well yea... It is today, isn't it?" Patrick replied with a worried look on his face. Alexander took a look around the room at all the excited eager coworkers faces who all had a look of anticipation for his answer.
"It is, I can't believe it slipped my mind"
The co-workers resume cheering and begin proceed wishing Alex a Happy Birthday.
"That's really great to hear buddy," Patrick chuckles "So hey, Nick didn't tell me how old you were turning, so I got an assortment of numbers here to put on the cake. Now I know age is a touchy subject for most, but seriously, you don't look a day over 30 - I don't know how you do it. But for the cakes sake..." Alex turns to Patrick, smiles and replies "1,011, try to fit that on the cake. Hope you bought enough 1's" then proceeds to walk away to greet the other coworkers. Patrick with an uneasy smile trying to figure out if Alex is joking or not yells across the room "Oh.. oh haha alright kiddo. No age on the cake then, I can take a hint. Good one! haha!"
Alex continues to converse with his coworkers with casual every day banter while trying to contain his distaste for the entire gathering. As his co-worker Jillian continues to ramble on to him about office supplies and what her sister-in-law said to her the night before, he can't help but to gaze off at the end of the room. Through the doorway he sees a woman in a casual blue dress. She had a very curvy figure with dark brown hair and green eyes (played by Olivia Wilde). With Alexanders impeccable hearing, he could pick up her dialogue requesting to speak to the person in charge of the office. "Excuse me Jill, but I have to attend to something very important. Let me know all about your cousin when I'm done" he quickly yet politely addressed. "Oh.. ok...It was my sister. she..." She says softly and begins to mumble.
"Alex Perdu" he introduces himself to the woman while holding out his hand. "May I know what it is your'e looking for, this is an invitation only party". The woman issues a side-smile then looks around the room at the cheap decorations and a couple of co-workers playing pin-the-tail on the donkey in the corner. "I uh.. am so sorry about that. Must have missed the Eventbrite email." He gives her a sarcastic surprised look and replies "We don't send out emails, we use the phone. Which is also the same medium we use to schedule appointments with the professionals in this office, such as myself. No walk-ins." She looks at him with a look of shock and disgust and scoffs
"I didn't say I was looking to speak with you-"
"Are you?" he quickly responds without letting her finish her sentence.
"Are you the owner of this marketing firm?" she replied
"I'm the only man here in a custom prada suit." he says while taking a step back.
"Do you always answer questions in riddles?"
"Do you always answer questions with a question?" he replies.
The woman rolls her eyes and folds her arms. Alex's calm temperment throughout this conversation appears to annoy her more than the context of his words. "Elena Isabelle. I'm actually here on behalf of one of your clients. They weren't too pleased with backlash they've received following your latest viral campaign for their company. Which according to them was not approved to go live nor reviewed by them." Alex with a puzzled look on his face replies "Ok first, two first names, why? Second, why did they send you instead of coming to see me personally?" She gives him a great big grin and replies "I'm their lawyer Mr. Perdu. And I was planning on mitigating this case for you in hopes that we could skim down a lot of paper work and time. However our introduction thus far is starting to make all that paper work look much more appealing." Alex smiles and leans in closer to Elena while putting one hand on the door frame. "I always thought our first fight would be over dinner, but this is far more exciting." He looks deeply into here eyes and then proceed to scan the rest of her body by undressing her with his eyes. Elena becomes taken back by his agressive sexual behaviour and doesn't know whether to be disgusted or turned on. She tries to look appauled and struggles to get her words out.
"There are just ... SO many things that are innapropriate with what you're doing. I could just-"
He interrupts her again "Oh please. You and I both know this client of yours did not read the fine print of our initiating contract. It clearly states that any creative efforts we launch are on behalf of the client as well as becomes the sole property of the client not rendering us liable for any 'backlash' received. The entire campaign was approved by the head of their company 2 months before we put up the video. Now all of a sudden they don't like it because its stirred 'controvery'. We made it perfectly clear to them that there's no such thing as bad press, as long as you get the people talking. That's what our client wanted, and that's what we gave them."