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You and Jungkook have been the best of friends for as long as you could remember. He was your neighbor, might I add, he was your favorite neighbor. Every day, both of you would walk to school together. Jungkook was the one person on earth that you could talk to about anything and everything and he felt that he could do the same. There is never an awkward moment between the two of you. You and Jungkook always had something to talk about, whether it was a funny story, something that happened at school, or just about your day in general. He made you laugh at the times you were most upset, and you two have always done a good job cheering each other up. You and him were inseperatable. Both sets of parents are good friends, so they have no problem with you two hanging out together so much.

Jungkook had been gone on vacation for the month with his family. He went to the Carribean islands and you were pretty jealous because normally, he takes you with him and all friends have a good time. Thinking about it, you missed him every day that went by. Sometimes you would think to yourself, what would it be like if he was more than a friend. Something told you that you and him were so close, it would be weird if you didn't marry him one day. He is a handsome man with a lively personality. He makes you laugh daily and no one makes you smile like he does. You and him were graduating college soon, which terrified you. You're afraid that something will separate you and Jungkook after you start your lives; but you want to start a life with him.


You are laying in bed watching funny videos on your laptop after your breakfast and morning shower. It is one of those lazy days where you don't have to work part-time, you don't have anyone to socialize with, and you don't have to wear anything uncomfortable so you put on your shorts and an oversized T-shirt.

Whatever you were watching was funny as hell, because you were laughing like an idiot.

"If you keep laughing like that, people may think you're crazy." You look up to see a handsome, smiling Jungkook in the doorway to your room. He was wearing a black T-shirt with ripped, light colored skinny jeans and his trusty timberlands that he wore so much.

"JUNGKOOKIE!!!" You squealed, jumped out of bed, and leaped into his arms, wrapping your legs around him. He held you with his strong arms and buried his head into your neck. He puts you down and you look at him with a smile plastered on your face.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be home until next week!" You smack his arm playfully.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about some things that I don't think can wait any longer." Jungkook's words peek your interest as his confident voice turns to nerves.

"I've wanted to talk to you for a while as well." I brings my arms down from his shoulders and sit back on my bed and Jungkook plops down in front of me.

"(Y/N), do you remember the time when we went on our first vacation together by ourself?" You nod your head as you smile at the sweet and pure memories of your trip to Hawaii, giving him a small 'mhmm'.

"Well, that trip made me realize something; I didn't say anything because I was afraid of putting our friendship at risk."

"Ah that trip was the best moment of my life; that week with you was the best week of my life. " After those words left your mouth, a wave of relief washed over Jungkook's face; reading his body language gave you the ok to keep going.

"Waking up at the crack of dawn to go to the beach and meditate together, open our eyes to see the sunrise. That was so relaxing. OH and when we found that random tree in a park and watched the sunset." You and Jungkook smiled at the memory. He knows your favorite views are the sunrises and sunsets.

"Do you know why that trip was the best part of my life? (Y/N), my happiest moments are with you. Every smile that has been put on my face has been because of you. My heart aches because of you. You leave me speechless when you are doing nothing but still look absolutely beautiful; My whole life has been amazing because of you, even when we argued like an old married couple." His words came out soft and sweet, like honey.

"Jungkook...I-" You were at loss for words, and it was like he read your mind as he slowly caressed your cheek. Your hand slides up to his and you instinctively lean into his touch.

He looks at you and gives you a small smile before leaning in to place his lips on yours. It was like pure bliss, his lips were so soft like the pedals of a rose and fit perfectly with yours. He then pulls away and you both smile.

"I love you."

"I love you." You said back.

"We're about to graduate college, right?" You nod.

"I want to spend my life with you (Y/N). I feel like we've been together since the day we became best friends, and I wouldn't change a thing." You smile and hug Jungkook as he pulls you into another kiss, sitting in his lap. He suddenly pushes you off his lap and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box and kneels down onto one knee. Your face lights up with redness and you cover your mouth.

"Lets just get married. I've already talked to your parents. Lets continue our lives together as husband and wife." He looks up with hope and stars in his eyes. You scream and jump for joy.

"OH MY GOD JUNGKOOK YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" You let him slide the ring on your finger and he stands as you hug him like there's no tomorrow.

"it gets better." Jungkook pulls out two plane tickets from his pocket and a smirk falls onto his face. He kisses you to get you to quit screaming so he could talk.

"My parents and yours are on their way to Hawaii to spend their last week of vacation; they stay this week, we get an extra two weeks by ourselves after we get married on the beach this week." You had no idea what to do but hug him.

"Kookie, thank you so much. This is the best day of my life! When do we leave???" You say still jumping from excitement.

"Shh, we have time. Our flight isn't until tonight, you have plenty of time to pack; but I have a better way to kill time for right now." His voice went from soft and sweet to low and husky in 0.1 seconds. he suddenly grabs you and throws you on the bed and steps between your legs and kisses you passionately.

"Oh I like this idea." You chuckled.

"You're my baby girl now, let me show you how much I love my baby girl."


First writing, sorry if I bore you haha. feel free to leave me requests in my messages, whatever your heart desires, I wont judge xD. THANKS FOR READING, PLEASE SHOW LOVE TO THIS STORY IF YOU LOVE.

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