The Janitor's Closet

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         I heard the bell ring as I sat in the bathroom stall. "Oh crap," I thought, "I'm going to be late!" I hurriedly began to get up and out of the bathroom, but only about one second later the bell rang again and I knew exactly what that meant. Lock down.

         "Oh my god!" I exclaimed aloud that time. I ran out of the bathroom as quickly as possible. I didn't know whether it was a drill or not, and if it wasn't a drill I could not be locked out. Butterflies swelled in my stomach. It felt as if someone was repeatedly punching me in the gut.

          I immediately ran to the first door on the right from the bathroom.

         "Let me in!" I begged "Please, it's me Mia Middleton. I'm a student at this school! Please you can't lock me out! I can't be out here alone!" I shouted tears streaming down my face. I didn't hear anything. No shifting towards the door to let me in. Nothing.

         At that moment it sunk in that this wasn't a drill, but a real lock down. Fear took over every part of my body. If the person who was out there heard me, now they knew that someone was locked out and they could find me.

         Out of nowhere I heard a loud shot and the sound of glass shattering. It was close to me. I knew whoever that was had just shot one of the doors to a classroom. I felt numb, unable to move, but somehow I got my legs to work and ran faster than I ever had before. Running through the halls I had no idea where to go, until it occurred to me that I should find a janitor's closet and hide in there.

         Once I had found a janitor's closet I ran in. There was no way to lock the door so I hid in the corner. I was so afraid to move or make any noise. I was even afraid to breathe. No longer full of fear, but now of sheer terror knowing that if it, he, she, whoever was out there found me I would be dead. I had cornered myself.

         I decided to push as many things as possible in front of the door. I wanted to ensure that no one could get in. Maybe it wouldn't stop whoever was out there, but it helped.

         It felt as if I had been in that janitor's closet for hours, but I knew it could have only been about 45 minutes. The fear had slowly been drifting away from me, and hope that I wouldn't be found started to become real. All of that faded in the matter of seconds when I saw the doorknob jiggle. I gasped catching myself, and sucking in my breath. My body went completely still.

         I saw light slip in through a small crack of the door that was beginning to open. I struggled to hold in my breath and not let any squeaks out. I could feel my whole body tremble as everything that I had put in the way of the door slowly tumbled to the ground. As the door opened more and more I pressed my body against the wall super tight, and pressed my knees to my chest making myself as small as possible.

         I saw a tall, slender figure push the door wide open. No longer able to control myself I let out a scream as hot tears dribbled down my cheeks. There was no way this person couldn't see me so at that point it didn't matter. Something that I had noticed was that this person had a gun in their hand. I heard the light flick on, and when I saw who was standing there; I felt fully paralyzed.

         The realization of who was standing there hit me like a truck. All the blood drained from my face and I turned as white as a ghost. I felt dizzy and like jelly.

         He grabbed me by the arm and forcefully pulled me to my feet. I slumped back to the ground my muscles no longer having strength. He swiftly turned of the safety switch, and pointed the gun at me. Immediately, I used all my will power to stand back up.

         "Oh my god!" I yelled "Jack, what are you doing?"

         "Be quiet," said Jack in an eerily calm voice.

         "Ok please, Jack, put the gun d-" I had only finished half of my sentence before he interrupted me.

         "I said be quiet," he said in the same tone, but this time you could hear the impatience in his voice.

        "I know what you're going to ask anyway. I will tell you why even thought you should know," he said looking me straight in the eyes without blinking once.

         "Look, please just put the gun down so that we can talk calmly. Jack ple-" I was cut off again.

         "I'm not putting the gun down," he yelled with anger, "so shut up and let me talk!"

         My body tensed and I decided I would let him talk. I needed to know why, how he could have the insanity to do this.

         "This is all your fault you know. You and your perfect little life. Never breaking the rules and having straight As! It was always why can't you be like Mia? Why can't everyone be like Mia? She is so beautiful and gorgeous and knows everything!" Jack screamed in face veins popping out of his neck. I could feel his anger radiating off of his body.

         "Jack, what are yo-" I began to say.

         "Well you know what, no! I hate you Mia! How about why can't Mia be dead? Maybe why doesn't someone just kill Mia already? Oh and don't you dare try and act innocent you know what you do!" he turned completely red and spit everywhere as he shouted.

         I noticed that he had once again raised the gun up and had it pointed at me. His finger lingering dangerously close to the trigger.

         "Just hear me out. I will do anything Jack, anything you want. I'm begging you just put the gun down. Y-you're my brother. You c-can't do this." I said in utter terror. I didn't know what else I could do or say.

         "The only thing I want," said Jack, 'is for you to be dead." The seriousness in his voice made me tremble once again.

         He still had the gun pointing at me. The only difference now was that his finger was directly on the trigger.

        "No," I said mustering up only a whisper. "No!" I yelled the second time.

         I knew he was gonna do it. I reached out to grab the gun and aim it away from me. Everything happened so fast.

         The next thing I knew I was shoved against the wall hard. The loud sound of a gun shooting rung in my ears. Intense pain radiated through my head. Less than a second later darkness, only darkness. After that? Silence.

The End

I really hope you guys enjoyed my story. This is the first story I have ever published and I don't know if I will publish more. I could make a part two of this if you want to know what happens after. Anyways, please keep in mind if you see any errors I'm still a young writer and this was simply a creative writing essay assignment for a class so I didn't have infinite amounts of time to work on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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