"I-it's better I-if the k-k-king of fairies l-l-l-lives" those were the last words Lily stuttered out before she was limply laying in Kings arms. Completely lifeless.

Time skip - 10 years

King PoV

It's been 10 years since Lily sacrificed herself for me. I'm currently flying through the forest to her makeshift grave in a little clearing I found. I sat down and talked to the grave "Hey Lily... how have you been? It must be weird to not have your wings since you.. um.. cut them off for.. uh me." I started crying silently remembering her sacrifice.

??? PoV

I ran through the cobbled streets of town with my bare feet, while hearing the armored clink of the person after me behind me somewhere. I kept mumbling under my breath 'shit fuck shit fuck' I saw a small tavern on the top of the hill and ran as fast as I could. I opened it and jumped behind the bar and said very quickly "Please let me hide here." Before they could respond the door slammed open again and the same husky voice that enslaved me said "Where did you go you little fairy brat!" Thankfully the blonde behind the counter caught on very quickly and said "All fairies went extinct and the only people in here are my workers and customers - well other then you." I grinned at his acting / lying skills. And quietly sighed of relief. Then the door opened again and my breath hitched as I heard his voice. "What's going on here?" He asked quietly. I popped up from behind the counter and said "Hey Harlequin!" Than the other dude screamed "THERE YOU ARE YOU BRAT!!" I mumbled shit as I ran for the door and said "See ya later King!" I lead the guy who was chasing me to the river and kinda left him there and flew as fast as I could back to Kin- I mean the tavern.

With King - 3rd person PoV

Ban was tickling the crap out of King while chanting "Tell us your relationship with her and I'll leave you alone~" King was crying he was laughing so hard and spit out "Fine just stop tickling me!" As King sat up and caught his breath, there was a scream getting louder. King's eyes widened and he screamed "GET DOWN!!" So everyone except for an unfortunate Ban ducked as a flying object came tumbling in and hit him. Ban ended up on top of the mysterious girl in that ironic pose "Hey~" he said with a smirk plastered on his face. She put the same smirk on and narrowed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders and said back "Hi~" then King was heard screaming "WHAT THE HELL!?!" She then out of the blue head butted him very hard and he sat up still trapping her as she squirmed and had little room that she could move. Ban then yelled "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?!" She put on a determined face and kicked him in the balls as he fell to the floor with Diane laughing her butt off outside. The girl stood up and mumbled pervert as she scanned the room and saw King turned around facing the wall shaking slightly. She was confused and said in a confused tone "King? You ok?" He turned around and started laughing hysterically. "You... You kicked a man... whose an entire FOOT taller.... and kicked him in the balls!!" The girl stood up a little straighter and said with pride and confidence "Yes. Yes I did." Ban stood up straight and got really mad. "WHAT THE HELL KING!?! WHY ARE YOU SIDING WITH HER!? SHE KICKED ME IN THE BALLS!!!" King laughed harder and Ban started to pick a fight with the tiny person. She still won, but before she could book it again to hide.... something Ban grabbed her wrist and held her while she was kicking and thrashing. Then she felt something materializing on her back and she stopped moving and dropped her head as if she died... again.

Tell me if you want a part 2

My friend is pissed that I stopped right here. 🤣😂

Nanatsu No Taizai / 7  Deadly Sins 1 ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now