The Father Figure (G/T)

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(( So basically Chase is giant, and your tiny, but don't worry, Chase will take good care of you, he is like a protective father towards ya )) Chase sat there in his chair, trying to throw a teabag into the hole in front of him, he frowned when he kept missing but his little friend kept reassuring him that he'd make it eventually "Keep goin' Chase! You got this!" There was no lying about the little part, you were very little, about at least 3 to 5 inches tall. You remembered how you had met Chase, he had told you that he had found you, laying on the floor one day just passed out, he said that you needed something to drink and eat really fast. If it wasn't for him then well.... You shuddered, proceeding to shrug the next thought away. You watched happily as he tossed another teabag, this time getting it in the hole, you covered your ears in preparation for what was about to happen. Chase got up quickly and began to do the thing he called a 'dab' while screaming "OHHH! OHHHHHHH OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" He looked really happy, this put a smile on your face as you began to giggle. Chase picked you up very carefully, holding you up in the air "Go on sport! Do the dab!" He chuckled, watching as you proceeded to dab while yelling the same thing he did. Chase smiled down at you, giving your forehead a gentle kiss, this made you giggle and hide your face "Chasseee! Nooo!" He giggled and ruffled your hair gently with his finger "C'mon little duder! Why don't you try now?" He walked over, setting you down on the table and giving you a little teabag, he then moved back as to not get in your way. "Chase.... I dunno, I don't think I'll be as good as you!" You frowned, looking down at the teabag, then looking back at him. Chase gave you a reassuring smile, putting two thumbs up "You got this lil buddy! I believe in you, just do the best you can!" You smiled, then looked back at the cup, staring intently at it before throwing the tea bag inside, unfortunately it had missed by an inch, this made you look down. Chase immediately walked over, picked you up and carefully hugged you "It's alright bro! You'll get it eventually, you can't just master it on the first shot" He reassured, patting you on the back with his finger, this made you smile up at him, giving his finger a small kiss. "I guess so, it's just your amazing at the trickshots! I wanna be like you" You looked up at him, watching as he chuckled "Sport, you gotta be you, you gotta be yourself, don't try to be like others. Just be you, no matter what the others would think of you, you just continue being yourself, and never let anyone stop you from doing so, sound good lil bud?" Your smile grew wider at his words, you nodded "You are... right, Chase, you always seem to know what to say, thank you." Chase had that pleasant smile on his face, patting you again "No problem lil dude!" You yelped however when he suddenly speed-walked over to the cup, gently sliding you inside then proceeding to dab "OHHHHH! NAILED IT!" He giggled and so did you, you were happy to have a friend like Chase, well... father figure maybe, he always knowed exactly what to say to cheer you up, or boost your confidence, he was very much like a father figure. You loved those qualities about him, his paternal instincts could sometime be overbearing but it was cute in a way, he would never wanna hurt you, he even said he would always protect you himself. "(Y/N?) Hey lil bud, you alright? I didn't hurt you did I? Your staring off into space!" You snapped out of your thoughts, you giggled at Chase's expression "I'm fine, all you did was slide me into a cup silly, I was just thinking, that's all." Chase breathed a sigh of relief "That's good, don't want you hurt or anything, you know I'd never--" You cut him off "Never hurt me, yeah Chase, I know and I trust you too so it's alright." You smiled at him, putting your thumbs up. He smiled back and picked you up, hugging you close "I'll always protect you, and never let anything harm you, ever. Your like.... a..." He bit his lip, looking to the ground. You looked up at him curious and wondering 'was he going to say...' you waited for him to respond, having a curious gleam in your eyes. Chase sighed, giving you a smile "Your like one of my kids basically, it's my job as a father to protect you... That is if you want a father like me." He looked rather scared, fearing he had messed up in some way. You giggled, a happy look spreading quickly across your features "Of course! You are like a father to me anyways! Why wouldn't I want someone like you, you are amazing!" Chase's face turned red at that, his smile widened as he leaned down to kiss your forehead "Thanks Sport, thank you... So much" You hugged him as best you could, "No problem, pops." (( Short little story, its a shitty one I know, but eh I was bored, its a G/T story btw involving you and Chase, he's basically like a father figure lol ))

The Father Figure (Chase Brody/Chase Bro Average | G/T Story)Where stories live. Discover now