Untitled Part 1

19 1 3

Sans: y-you cant be me thats insane!

Lust sans: ya...but no i am you but...im a diffrent you *Wink*

sans: uhh...i-i gotta get hom-

lust sans: *grabs*

sans: u-uh...*sweats*

lust sans: *pulls his shorts down a little and touches his d!_k*

sans: agh...oh...my..stars...

lust sans: i am you..but in a diffrent way...

lust sans: *licks his head*

sans: AGH

lust sans: i call this s3x

sans: o-oh...n-no...AGH

sans: AGH...D-damit! fu----- aGH!!! d-damit~!

the end :P

sorry if this made you unconfterbal :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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