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early sound of birds chirping made me happy. I blinked a couple of times before realizing it was day.
the shock made me jump up and get out of my bed. I put on my uniform and made my way out of the door.
The morning air hit me making all negative thoughts about me being late leave me.
i usually have my alarm on but for some reason it didn't go off.
I arrived to school in less then thirty minutes- perks of living close. I ran as fast as I could
Up the stairs and into the main building.
"Miss Mia you're late" I ignored the staff and ran to English class.
The door creaked sending a shutter down my spine and silence filled the room. "You're late again."
"I'm sorry." I apologized, the usual.
After my scolding I walked to the back where my handsome boyfriend was. Park jimin.
I sat down and scattered all my belongings on my boring wood desk. "Sorry I had to leave early last night. Mum duty's."
Jimin whispered. "It's okay, I watched Netflix all alone cold."
I rolled my eyes back.
He giggled, "next time I'm over I'll make everything special."
I blushed knowing how special this boy was in my life. I loved park Jimin. I truly did.
The recess bell rang and we ran outside he chased after me which always made my day. I ran down the stairs and out into the court yard. "Got you." I felt a pair of arms around me. We were both puffing but laughed it off.
"Anyways Mia, ahh.. I got to go do something. See you in 6th period?"
I was in shock but he left a simple kiss on my forehead and left in a rush. I sighed and walked out the door, "hey Mia so I was freely drawing you know and then I ended up drawing you so here."
That's my friend Natasha, worlds best artist. "Haha thank you."
I took the beautifully drawn picture and placed it lightly in my bag. We walked around for a bit and found our other best friend, Emily. "Hey losers." She said.
I chuckled as I sat down placing my heavy bag next to me.
"Where's your koala?" Emily asked. Natasha and I both looked at em in curiosity. "Yah, you know? Jimin? He's your koala. I've decided to call him your koala because he's so clingy. And hey I bought four chocolates thinking he'd be here." She huffed.
I giggled at her cuteness, "actually he's busy not sure what he's doing." I ignored and opened my bag.
"Probably hooking up with another girl Bahahah." Emily and Natasha joked around. "Yeah yeah." I spat back. "Nahhh joking you two are the best couple ever."
The best couple ever?
I could say that back then. But now I don't even know Jimin like I use to.

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