The Night That Changed My Life. *One Direction Fan Fiction*

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-Lee's P.O.V- 

Dirt. Blood. I hate that mix. "Micheal. STOP PLEASE!" I pleaded. I'm laying on the ground crying, scearming at the top of my lungs. "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!"

Micheal kept kicking me harder and harder. This wasn't the first time his ever hurt me. I was ready to pass out and give up when I thought I heard 5 voice that sounded like angels. 

"STOP! DICK I SAID STOP!" One of them scearmed. The suddenly the kicking stopped. I felt someone picking me up. Then that angels voice talked ."She's alive! SHE"S ALIVE LOUIS! LOUIS CALL 911 NOW!"

"Niall give her to me, now. You go take care of that prick." Louis said, and he grabed me. I saw a bright light in front of me, until Louis spoke to me. "Ma'am. Stay with me, please." I tryed speaking only to end up crying. Louis wiped away the tear's. "No need to cry. Your safe now." I heard the ambulance come Louis voice became more and more muffled. Until I didn't heard it anymore.

-Niall's P.O.V- 

"She's okay. She's luck that she found you guys." The nurse said and walked out.

"More like we found her." I said. "What was he thinking? He could of killed her."

"Calm down, Niall. Please. He gone now. She's alive your okay." Liam said, he was trying to get me to be happy. " I'm going to get coffee and call Harry. You want some?" I nod, and he walk's out. I grab her hand. I squeeze her hand. She squeeze's back. I feel like a bomb waiting to go off.

She open's her eye's. She look's at me and ask's "Who are you and where am I?"

" I'm Niall Horan and your in the hospital." I said giving her time to responed. " What's your name ma'am?" I ask.

"Lee? Where's Micheal?" Lee asked scared. " Is he here?"

"No, Lee. Your safe, the only people here are Liam You and Me. Micheal's in jail." I said, hoping that made her feel more safe. Liam walked in the room, one coffee in both hands, phone up to his ear. Niall gives me a look to take the phone and talk to Harry. "Excuse me, Lee. I need to talk to someone." I toke the phone and lefted.

-Lee's P.O.V.-  

Niall? Niall Horan? As in one Direction's Niall Horan? Did he say Liam? As in Liam Payne? I thought. " Hello? Niall? I'm L..." I didn't get to finish before he answer.

"Lee. I heard Niall. Your one lucky girl." Liam said. " Oh, I'm Liam Payne."

"Ya Niall said you were here. So what happend?" I asked out of confustion. All I remember is hearing angels. Cliche I now but that's what it felt like.

"Okay. If it get's to bad just speak up, Kay?" Liam waited till I replyed. I nodded, and let him continue. "So we were leaveing the bar laughing and having a good time until I heard someone scearm help. So in my caring nature, I toke off running and the rest not far behind. I got there and pull the, let's say prick, prick away from you. You were bleed and crying, Niall had picked you up and was scearming at Louis to call 911. Niall was pissed, you could tell, so for your safety Louis toke you and Niall came to me. Zayn and Harry were holding the prick while i punched him. Niall toke care of him after that. But let me just say Anna. You are beautiful. Seriously. Niall would of never live's this down if you were hurt. I think, and this is just my opinoin, he like's you. Don't get me wrong." Liam said. I just sat there, I could fell the tear starting down my check. Niall stood there frozen. "Lee?" He asked.

Niall walked back into the room and handed Liam his phone and said "Lia.... Lee? Are you okay? Liam, what did you tell her?" He asked and came to my side. His stong arm's made me feel safe for a second, until I relaized so did Micheal's. I started to freak out, I pushed Niall away.

"What's wrong?" Niall asked, his eyes showing that I hurt him.

"Nothing, you just remind me of Micheal. He would hold me like that before he would beat me." I said. Then the world went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2012 ⏰

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