Chapter one: AUGUST

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After 3 days of imperturbable slumber in my A/C lounge (mortuary), I was escorted to another of the suites by two hefty-men. I was given a thorough wash and some "exotic" drink (FORMALIN) permeated the depths of every tissue of mine!! What  a service!!


I was laid on a table - TABLE NO. 8 ( as they called it). We were all "stationed" on individual tables. Soon, the whole place - THE D- HALL( dissection hall, i mean), was swarming with boys and girls, all clad in white. Twelve fearful faces were ordered to take refuge beside me. Poor things! Many of them were so bewildered to peek at me. The aroma was so strong that a large number began cursing God for not blessing them with appropriate "nose-lids" along with eyelids.


Today the teachers trotted by and declared to the students " Take out your Cunnigham's, and read out the steps of dissection"


They dis-articulated both my arms, "dis-articulated" - my vocabulary has improved, all thanks to the constant interaction with budding docs. I think I'll call them "BUDDIES".


I was really sad today. My buddies put up long faces after their "teachers" bombarded them with questions. They were all appearing for some of test - "THE GRAND STAGE : UPPER LIMB". 

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