Dates with Jack

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- him taking you to the movie "you're a cliche"
"You love it"
- frozen yogurt because you both love sugar
- slow dancing in his living room with Marc DeMarco "what are you laughing at" "this is the song you used in your skate boarding video when you kept falling on your ass"
"Oh yeah"
- him forcing you to watch Ferris bulers day off (I can't spell it oh god)
- you forcing him to watch heathers and him really liking it "Nu Uh! Girrrrrllll you deserve so much better than him!" "Calm down Jack it's just a movie"
- him always kissing you good bye at the end of the drive way so your father doesn't see and actually murder Jack

Ye boiii
I'm sorry I suck at writing
Published: July 21st
Edited: -

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