Chapter One

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                Slowly, the blue faded into my tongue, burning my mouth and sending noises to my brain. The left side fell numb, and my heart beat raced. My fingers gripped the red felt blanket as my mind flicked off, attempting to fight off the drugs that were put into me. Finally, I opened my eyes and let out a sigh as my red eyes faded to green.  "Enneabell!" Jeremy screamed from the first level of the house. Quickly rising, ignoring the piercing pain shooting through my head and the black dots covering my eyes. " We are going to be late." My hand reached for my bag, shaking like a earthquake.  Control. I screamed at myself. Control it. I closed my eyes, listening to the thump thump of my own heart, the sudden out burst of air as I breathed out and the quick take of oxygen as I breathed in.

                " Enny!" Jeremy yelled. I watched him with my eyes closed, focusing on the thump thump of his heart from the other side of the room. I saw his movement of his hand as he reached for the drug packet I left on the bed. "You are suppose to take this at night!" I saw him shake it as his face turned red in anger. "You know how it makes you feel." I nodded my head as he walked up behind me. The smell of his homemade alcohol rose to my nose.

                "You are drinking again." He snorted.

                "Damn, right. The government isn't going to tell me what I can and cannot put into my body."

                "Oh, so the medication I am forced to take is different." My eyes flew open, I spun around to face him. "This crap they force into my body, it ,it destroys me."

                "Enny, calm down."

                "I will not fucking calm down." I threw my fist at the ground, studying his face, trying to read him, or un-numb my brain. His green eyes glistened in the sun let into the room. The slope of his pale nose and the scruff of hair on his old man chin.

                "Stop it. You are going to hurt yourself again." He looked out the fake window. "Enny, we have talked about this, we have talked about this every day since they found out. You know why and you know you have to. You have to behave."

                "And you don't? We are all being watch, Jeremy. You, me, Adam, Emily. All of us. Everyone of us! " I breathed in. "You just go down to the basement and continue with your alcohol. Continue risking your life for a little drink, while, the others and I take our medication, numb our brains, and destroy what we are and ignore our instincts." I snatched my backpack and stomped out of my room toward the fire pole. I stepped down the hole, my hands in my pockets. The air whisked around me, filling my ears, and making my stomach move. Adrenaline pushed through my veins as I drew closer to the ground. At the last second, I grabbed onto the pole, my hands burned as the cold metal slid past them. Red dripped down my hands.

                "Enny! That isn't fair. " Jeremy screeched as I landed on the bottom floor. I grabbed the Hydrogen Hover board or HHB and continued to the tunnels, ignoring the bursts of anger Jeremy throw at me.

                "I will be back tonight."

                "We have school!"

                "Who gives a shit." The tunnel doors opened and I sped through them toward the sewer towers.

Jeremy POV

                "Adam!" I screamed into the phone. "Pick up!" the phone beeped then clicked.



                "Dude, you do realize we need to go to school right?"

                "Its Enny. Man, this medication shit is getting to her." I heard his feed shuffle on the other end and Emily's voice.

                "Jeremy. Calm down. Okay." Emily spoke, moving the sounds around like a song.

                "Enny, she isnt going to school today, she is unpredictable, right now."

                "That is nothing new, she has always been the unpredictable one."

                "YOu dont understand. She is like a bomb, she is going to explode sooner or later."

                "Breathe. " I followed instructions. "Enny can take care of herself, now go through your day." The other end clicked off and flung myself onto the couch.

                "Jeremy, sweetie." My mother's milk white face shined through like a light bulb in my memory.

                "Mommy!" I yelled, jumping into her arms. SHe laughed.

                "Jeremy, I need you to promise me something."

                "What mommy?"

                "Enny is going to need you when you guys are older and don't have mommy and daddy anymore."She showed me Enny, laying innocently in her crib. Her stomach rose and fell in the rhythm of her heart. I shoved the memory away getting up from the couch and out the tunnels with my backpack.

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