Chapter X: Cousins

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Chapter X: Cousins

V's Pov

"Y-you can f-feed on me.." Piper said and i looked at her, down to her neck making me gulp.

"Are you s-sure? I don't want to h-hurt you..." I said.

I really want to feed but i don't want to hurt her. My Chest hurts... I-i thought when i found my mate, it will be gone forever but i guess i'm... I'm wrong.

"Yes and b-besides i'm your m-mate.." She spat and i quickly locked the doors and  pushes a button making her seat bend back.

I crawled above her and started to plant some soft kisses on the mark.

"T-taehyung?" Piper said.

"Hmmm?" I replied as i run my tongue over her mark before sucking it a bit.

"Please... B-be gentle." She said.

"Yes. I will.." I replied and my fangs quickly bite her skin, letting the blood stream out.

I moan as her sweet blood stream out and flows down to my mouth, down to my throat.. Some were dripping down on her neck but i quickly lick it off. Too precious to waste.

My hands gripped her wrist and placed it above her head when she try to pushed me away.

"T-taehyung... S-stop." Piper moaned and i quickly backed away.

The burning sensation in my chest slowly faded away and i lick my lips.

Piper shut her eyes close and breathe heavily. Uh oh. I guess i sucked too much..

"A-are you o-okay now?" Piper ask and i nodded my head.
"Does it hurts?" I ask her as we started to fix ourselves.
"A bit.." She muttered and i looked at her.

"We can't go back in our classes. We looked like a murderer.." I said and she looked at herself.
"Tsk.. You're right.." Piper said and silence cover the both of us.

"Want to visit my house?" I ask Piper and she looked at me.

"Besides you need some new clothes. Yes or Yes. Choose now." I said and giggled.
"F-fine..." She said and i started the engine.

I looked at her before driving off. She looks so tired and pale. Tsk. Kim Taehyung... You should control yourself or just hunt another human to fulfill your needs!

As i parked my car in front of my mansion, i quickly got off the car and carry Piper in my arms. Of course, bridal style.
I'm a sweet guy, yah know~

"Good Morning, Lord Taehyung.." Maids greeted me and i just smiled at them.
"Prepare some foods, okay?!" I said as i walk upstairs.

I kick the door of my room and put Piper in my bed before closing the door.

I shuffled my feet to my closet and get some clothes for me and for Piper. I guess shirts will suit her..

I changed my clothes since it was stained with blood and saliva. Gross, i guess.
I also washed my face to remove the stinky smell of blood and sweat.

When i came out from the bathroom. Piper was still laying unconscious on the bed. I walk and sat beside her.
She looks so innocent and fragile..

I smiled before walking out from the room, heading to the library– why? My mansion have its own library! Wahaha..

I quickly pick up all the books scattered on the floor and put it back on its places, i forgot clean my mess the last time i went here.

As i put the last book on its shelf. I flinched and my eyes suddenly landed on the silver coin spinning on the floor.

I bend down and pick it up, feeling its texture and staring on the symbols engraved on it. Two symbols were engraved in the front and in the back. It seems so familiar..
A thunderbolt and an arrow symbol..

"Kim Taehyung." A voice said and i froze on my spot.
I grip the coin in my hands as i clench it into fist.

I slowly stand on my feet and look at the man with white wings wearing an innocent face and a calm aura surrounds him.

"What are you doing here.." I ask in a plain tone and he smile.
"I just want to visit my cousin.." Baekhyun said.
"That's not the real reason why you are here." I said and he roamed his eyes around.

I hate him. As far as i know, water and oil doesn't collide.

"Zeus, my father wants to know where Hades is.." He said.
"Probably Underneath the hot core of the earth where you're useless father dumped him." I reply as we walked in circle. I smell war.

"Taehyung.. Your father started to summon demons above there to drag some of us down to his home!! It's against the forbidden law, your father agree on it! That no one was going to be in danger once our clan separated!!" He almost yell and i stay myself calm.
My father just putting himself at risk... Again.

"Sorry about that but it's none of my business. My father started it and i'm out of the box." I reply and he stare at me. Deadly.
"But you are Hades Son and his blood rushing down on your veins." Baekhyun said.
"And one more thing, your mate." He said and i stared back at him.

"What about my mate." I said, emphasizing every word.
"Well, you need to stay away from your mate because she's just going to be in danger or worse, die if ever you father won't surrender." Baekhyun said and i can feel that my eyes color already shifted to red.
"Who are you to say those things to me!!!" I yelled and my wings sprung out.

"I'm Zeus son and i know whats going on up there. Once the Soldiers of Skies started to hunt your Father. I know that they will going to hunt you too. Why not? You are the only son of Hades, you know where the Gate of the Underworld and how to open it.
Once your father didn't stop on dragging our people just to be one of his collection. Better be prepare Taehyung.. Zeus will hunt the both you– or maybe we can use your mate to make you tell us where your father is.." He said and with that i appear in front of him, pinning him on the wall with my arms in his neck.

"Don't you dare to touch my mate or else I'll forget that you are my cousin." I spat.
"Don't worry from now on, we are not cousins!" He said and a lightning hit me making me fall on the ground. Ahhh!! Sh*t! That hurts!

"Taehyung.. Just help us to know where your Father is and no one in the both clan will be hurt... Including your mate. I know that you can't stand seeing her cry, right?" He said and i stood up.

"I'm sorry but there's a big difference between Bad and good, Black and white.." I said and he sigh.

"Taehyung. I've warned you." Baekhyun said as he pull back his wings same goes as me.

"I know. I'm prepared." I reply as stare right into him, sending pain in his body.

He fall on the ground clutching his neck. I know i shouldn't do this but he forced me.

"T-tae... Taehyung.." He breathe but in a blink of an eye, i was inside of an abandoned factory making me loss my concentration on my dearest cousin.

Jiminie... You mochi.

"Hyung! Stop that!" Jungkook appeared beside me as the illusion slowly faded away.

Baekhyun stood up and stare at me before his body turns into a bunch of glitters and butterflies, slowly flying away..

"Taetae, you shouldn't do that." Jimin said and i breathe heavily, calming myself.

"I'm afraid that one of them will declared a war. The last war happened was Million years ago.." Jungkook said and i fix myself.

"Well then, it seems like History gonna repeat itself."

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