Getting Ready for the First Day

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Mom do I have to, I don't know anyone. I say
Yes, Aubrey you have to go, I moved schools after the first part of 9th grade. Besides remember how you went to Kings Manor and didn't think you we going to make any friends but made lots. Yah, and besides, Zara, Maddie and Samy will be there. And Zara is staying with us until her parents get back from India, said my mom, Zara are you ready yet? No, not yet Mrs. Banff, Zara said.
Anthony and Cameron stop fighting and get in the car. Okay, mom, said my brothers. Bye honey, said my mom to my dad. Right back at you. Ok, I'm ready, said Zara. Zara its not picture day, that's tomorrow, I said. I know, but I can't wait, bc we don't have to wear our uniforms, Zara said. I know right! I said. Bye dad, say all of my brothers. Ok now get in the car, says my mom. Mom why is Andy coming with us to school, says Oliver. Because, he is as smart as you, when you were this young, and he is going to be in kindergarten, says mom.
Hey guys, so this is about a dream I had. And no I don't have 8 brothers, a dad, or have my friend Zara stay with me for 3 years. (I wish) side note in this I am a triplet, I am not really. Here is the cast...

Calum, Oliver, Sebastian, Cameron, Anthony, Braxton, Andy,and Alex as Brothers
Aubrey (me) as Herself
Zara, Maddie, and Samantha as Best Friends
Tiffany and Kris as Parents
Chloe as the head girl of  UMGOOS
Britney and Presley as minions of UMGOOS
Kevin as member of CGIS
Mrs. Ralph as their teacher
Mr. Oak as their principal
Ms. Lakers as their consular
UMGOOS: Unnecessarily Mean Girls Of Our School
CGIS: Cutest Guys In School
P.S. Don't forget to vote! (For me)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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