Misunderstanding (Phoenix x Maya)

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Summary: When Maya and Phoenix have fun together in midnight, Trucy and Pearl misunderstood it.
Rated: T for sexual content.

Wright's Family Residence
October 12 th, 2020
Phoenix Wright's Bedroom

It was already midnight when Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey finished watching Steel Samurai's episode which they set in Phoenix room. Phoenix looked at the clock mounted on his wall, and surprised because it was already past 12 pm.

"Heh, it seems we really forget about time," said Phoenix. "Look what time it is now."

Maya chuckled, and then pinch Phoenix's cheeks. "And I never thought that you can bear to watch 30 Steel Samurai episodes with me, old man. I thought, you're going straight to snore after watching only five episodes. "

Phoenix then kisses Maya's lips gently. "If I do it with you, I will always bear it, my love. Are you already sleepy? You want to sleep now? Let me turn off the lights if you want to go to bed now."

Maya didn't answer.She looked at Phoenix with seductive gaze.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Maya?" asked Phoenix a bit of confusion.

"Nick, don't tell me you don't understand the meaning of this gaze," Maya whispered in a very tempting tone, then stroked Phoenix chest with her hands. "I'm not sleepy yet. And I wanted to have some fun with you." then she winked her eyes.

Gulp. Phoenix swallowed. He actually wanted to have fun too with Maya. But, the problem is .....Pearl and Trucy were sleeping downstairs. It would be very difficult to explain if those two children hear them!

"Maya," said Phoenix stammered, "Trucy and Pearl were sleeping downstairs.....What if they hear us?"

Maya giggled softly. "Nick, it's already midnight, and they were on the bottom floor ....... They won't hear us ...." Then, without wasting any more time, Maya pushed Phoenix to lie on his bed, and attack Phoenix's mouth with her mouth.

"Mph!" Maya continued to kiss Phoenix savagely, until Phoenix finally overcame his shock and kissed Maya back. When his mouth met with Maya's mouth, Phoenix doesn't care about anything. Maya was his. Right now, the world only belongs to both of them.

Maya began unbuttoning Phoenix pajamas while her mouth still firmly pressed against Phoenix's mouth. Phoenix guided her, and after all the buttons unbuttoned, he threw his pajamas to floor. After that, he ripped Maya's pajama harshly, making Maya now wearing only a bra and her pajama's pants.

Maya's kiss now down to Phoenix's neck, then she kiss Phoenix's chest. Phoenix moans with pleasure, then he went to unhook Maya's bra. But, it took a lot of effort for him to unhook Maya's bra.

"What's the matter, old man? You have trouble?" Maya whispered with a wink. Phoenix felt his heart stop instantly. Then Maya stopped kissing Phoenix briefly, and unhook her bra, and threw her bra onto the floor.

"There, old man. It's better?"

Phoenix chuckled, then began to kiss and licked Maya's breasts. Maya giggled and moan with pleasure.

"Oh Nick ......." cooed Maya. "Don't stop, please ...."

Phoenix then kisses Maya again, and clutched the back of her head to deepen the kiss. After that he rolled so quickly, changing his position so he become on Maya's top, and he could feel his chest and Maya's chest press against each other, while they never release their kiss for a single moment.

"Trucy!Trucy!Wake up!" cried Pearl while shook Trucy's body violently.

"Huh?What is it, Pearl?" asked Trucy while yawning."It isn't morning yet, isn't it?"

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