Don't just leave. Alex gaskarth fanfiction

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"Please don't go" I begged.

"I'm sorry, Jazz." Luke leaned down a bit to kiss my forehead. "I'll be back in a few months or so."

We hugged goodbye as I watched my brother walk away into the airport.

He quickly disappeared in the herds of people.

Hi, I'm Jazz, well, Jessey, but everyone's called me Jazz, and I just sent my brother off to the army, which sucks. I'm 23 and alone. I got back into my car, wiping a few tears, and pulled out of the packed parking lot. I guess several families were sending their boys or girls away, but this was my baby brother. Luke always wanted to be in the army ever since our dad died. We didn't have a mom. She kind of just popped us out and ran. I'm pretty sure she's on meth, but who knows. Me and Luke are only 3 years apart, but I'm  very protective. Luke was so much like our dad. He has shaggy brown hair and emerald green eyes. He was so tall, 6'5 to be exact. He never really was a ladies man. He only worried about me, which I'll miss because I only had him. But luckily, I'll be going on tour with my band soon. OK, back to me. I'm Jazz, 23, I like pizza, and singing for my band Dream Again.


authors note♡♡ hey guys it's Rachel woah a new fan fiction oh snap haha this is the character introduction if you like this then the next chapter will be packed full of story haha thanks to ireallylikefood12 aka my best friend Jenny for helping with my punctuation. yeah I'm really bad at it I hope you guys enjoy please rate and comment your opinions

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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