The baka and the beansprout: A Kanda/Allen one shot

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own D Grayman characters. This is mainly a fanfiction.

''Ne, ne . .allen. .''

''Allen. . .''

''Oi Allen! When the hell are you gonna be finished eating!''

''huh? What is it Lavi?''

''(sighs) i said it's pretty boring here when there's not much happening. Why don't we go to town and check things out? I heard there's a new food stand that has been gaining attention because of the good food. . .''

''where? Where? Let's go let's go! Come on Lavi lead the way!''

Unknown to them was that a certain long-haired guy has also risen from his seat w/ irritation clearly written on his face and went out.


I had been walking around town watching these two idiots as they roam around town checking things out.

''Ne Allen, the food was great wasn't it?'' lavi said while putting an arm around Allen's shoulders.

''(sighs) it was. But i didn't get to satisfy myself since you pulled me so quickly.'' allen said looking glum. Lavi now fully embraced him and strangled him.

''baka! The other customer's are already complaining since you're hogging all the food.'' and they continued to hit and tackle each other.

It was irritating so i just went back to the order. Allen is really getting on my nerves. Did he have to be so close to Lavi? And should they really be going out together? They could of like invited others. .like me. .i mean if it's just the two of them, wouldn't it be like sort of a date? I fellt my anger rise at this. Wait. What am i so angry about? And what's worse, why did i even follow those two? It's as if i'm. . .'BOOM'. .a large explosion erupted just a few inches in front of me and i saw a robot. I sghed. Another robot from that stupid supervisor again. lenalle was being held 'again' by the robot so i decided to help and stop further damage and disturbance or actually just rather pour out my anger and irritation.

''Lenalee!. .oh! River-taichou! Help my precious Lenalee!. .but don't have permision to destroy. .'' he was too late. He became pale.

''Komurin 5!!!''

The so-called Komurin 5 was already lying on the floor w/ it's head off as i also landed w/ Lenalee on my arms.


''Oh! My dear Komurin 5!. .Kanda! You bastard, you didn't have to be so heartless. .'' the supervisor was sulking at his broken robot. I looked to kanda. He was still carrying Lenalee. He must have saved her. Hey, did he have to? Lenalee was more than capable of destroying that stupid robot. Did he really have to. .the i realized. He did it for Lenalee. Kanda never does anything nice to anyone. He even left me at the mercy of one of those robots before, this is diferrent. He always seems to be nice to Lenalee, i even see them meditating together sometimes. Could it be that, Lenalee is special to kanda? I got upset at that idea. I didn't know why. Frustrated, i decided to go to my room. I wasn't really paying attention to my surrounding so i didn't realize that i've already missed my room and was just wandering aimlessly when i bumped into someone. I looked up.



I was about to open my door when someone bumped to me.

''Kanda?'' it was Allen.

''What are you doing here bean sprout?''

''Don't call me bean sprout! Ba-Kanda!'' i just dismissed his comment comment nanchalantly. He didn't continue to argue so i looked at him. He looked like in a trance and he was a bit off like he was depressed or something.

''Ne, Kanda. .'' he started, still looking at the floor.

''Do you like Lenalee?'' i was taken aback by this, why would he ask such a thing?

''What gave you that idea?''

''Well, you're kinda different around her. You're kinder and you help her in times of trouble.''

''Lenalee's a friend. Only a friend. That's all. Don't make a big deal out of the things i sometimes do'' he looked up at this and he seemed to be in a better mood.

'' Why are you so interested to know anyway?'' he blushed at this and avoided my gay. 

''No reason. I'll be going now then!'' my anger boiled.

''Do you like her?'' i almost half shouted at him.

''Huh? What--'' i cut him off by grabbing his wrist and dragging him inside my room, locking the door once we were inside. I can't believe i fell for a bean sprout.


Kanda dragged me inside his room. I don't know why and i can't see much of his face since it was a bit dark.

''What is Lenalee to you?'' i frowned at him in confusion.

''Lenalee's a friend and a comrade.'' i said.

''Nothing more?'' he asked.

''Yeah. Why do you ask any--'' he cut me off again.

''How about Lavi?'' he asked. This confused me more.

''Lavi? Why do you ask?''

''Just answer the damn question!'' i was startled. He seemed angry and irritated for some reason.

''He's a friend and a comrade.''

''Only a friend?'' he asked again.

''Well, i wouldn't say only a friend. .since. .'' bang, i heard him smash his hand to something on the side w/c i couldn't see.

''What's wrong Kanda?'' i asked as i extended my hands until it came in contact w/ his arm and he quickly pulled me toward him and i felt something in contact w/ my lips. His lips. He was. .kissing me. He broke contact and i immediately missed the feeling of his lips on mine. It was warm and soft nothing like the cold and unsociable personality of his.

''Kanda. .what. .'' i started to ask while feeling heat in my cheeks.

''I like you. No. I might be inlove w/ you Allen.''

''Kanda. .a-are you s-serious?''

''When have i ever pulled a joke about anything? I like you Allen, please tell me you don't have anything other that friendship w/ lavi.'' he said

''Lavi? Why lavi?''

''You said so yourself! You wouldn't call it only friendship!'' i smiled, so he was jealous.

''Ba-Kanda! Ofcourse. Saying only would belittle our bond like it's just a joke but really we're friends and nothing more.''

''would you. .accept me?'' i was startled at his question not really believing that kanda would ask such a thing.

''I never would've imagine you saying this to me.''

''Does it disgust you?'' he asked.

''Not in the least.'' and i felt his lips made contact w/ mine, my arms snaked unconsciously around his neck.

''I can't believe you're inlove w/ me.'' i said.

''Yeah. I can't believe i fell inlove w/ a beansprout.''

_____________________________________________________________ A/N: To those who read my other story PLEDGE OF TIME, please be informed that i will be continuing on. Sorry for stopping short guys. i'll be more responsible about my stories :)

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