have you ever wanted to sing to a korean song but you do not know the lyrics?
well, i have and i am normally too lazy to use my cellular data to search for the lyrics online.
you might wonder, why not i use youtube instead?
that is because i am normally out and would not want to use my cellular data and also, i am quite slow in learning so i find it hard to catch up with the song especially when it's not in english.
so, i decided to compile some EASY romanized lyrics for some songs so you can look at it anytime and anywhere!
although the video needs a connection to play, you can always play the music through your normal music app and sing along or simply sing it without the music!
i prefer singing it without the music for a few times just so i can really get the hang of it as i am quite a slow learner like i said!
i hope this book will help some of you out there like it helped me!
all credits to koreanmyuzic.blogspot.sg
the lyrics are all from that website and not mine. i simply made a compilation of the lyrics for easier viewing!
- blissfulsvt
kpop lyrics
Randoma compilation of your favourite korean songs in easy romanization!