The Jabberwocky's past ~A OUAT in Wonderland short story~

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“Not even… the feeling of water, filling your lungs. Your fathers hands holding you down. The feeling there’s nothing you can do to save yourself. That you’re powerless. And you don’t know what burns more: your fathers betrayal or the lack of oxygen in your lungs.”

- The Jabberwocky (OUAT in Wonderland episode 9, Nothing to Fear)


“Elsa!” The king of Arrendell shouted. A little girl with a brown braid and blue dress came running in, trembling in fear.

“Y-yes, father?” She asked.

“What is this?” He gestured to a table with a tea set on it. On the table was a few drops of tea that she missed the cup.

“A spill.” She whispered.

“A spill? A spill!?” Elsa flinch know what would happened next. “Why can’t you be more like you sister, Anna, hm?”

“I’m sorry, father, I’m doing my best.”

“No! Tonight you’ll go to bed without dinner. You’re dismissed.” Elsa nodded and walked out of the room quickly. As soon as she was out, she ran down the halls with tears falling down her face. Why does he think Anna’s better than me? She gets everything she wants, Elsa thought. Just then she made it to her room.

Elsa didn’t have friends. Her father always says that she’s worthless and will never have them. She hides in her room from everyone. Every so often Anna will knock on the door and ask if she’d like to play. Elsa was jealous of Anna and never wanted to see her. She’d always say no to the little girl.


At the age of twelve Elsa was not only be verbally abused, but now physically abused. Each time she did something wrong her father would slap her.

“Stupid girl! Do it right!” Is one of the many things he’d say. After she was done with her five our princess training she’d hobble off back to her room. Sometimes bleeding or forming bruises.

Shorty after the beatings began, she started wearing dresses that covered her neck and arms. The skirt of the dress was now longer so that’d it would cover her feet. Her hair was now down and almost never in a braid.

When she got to her room she locked the door. Facing the room there was a dresser, bed, nightstand, bookshelf, vanity and a picture of her mother hanging on the wall. The queen had died while giving birth to Anna. Another reason to hate Anna, Elsa growled.

“It’s all her fault. If she hadn’t been born mother would still be here and I’d be the perfect child. I’d-”

A knock cut off her rant.

She unlocked the door and opened it. No one was there. Down the hall there was a person turning the corner. She knew because of the cloak fabric that she could see. Looking down were a pair of white gloves and a note. It read:

Conceal it, don’t feel it - Z

Z? Who could Z be? Was that their name or the first letter? She picked the gloves and note up, walked in and locked the door. She hid the note in desk drawer, put the gloves on the nightstand, changed into a nightgown, and fell asleep.


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