Cat Eyes.

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  • Dedicated to Amber

I had never seen her here before.

She stood out in this bleak little town. There were hardly any people around. Most of the time it was just me. It was a small town devoid of life; everything was just a lifeless shade of gray. Even the sun was a ghastly white. I couldn't remember how long I had been here. I just know I had always been on my own, wandering the streets, exploring every nook and cranny of this quaint little town. But I had seen it all and I was starting to get lonely. It's not really that weren't any people around, there were, but they were just as dead as everything else. They blended in to the colors and became one with landscape. 

But not her.

I knew every face in this town. Even if they never saw me. It was like they weren't really there. Maybe I wasn't really here. They all went about their lives as usual, while I wandered the streets. I had never tried to leave this town; I saw no point since...I couldn't remember any other place that I'd rather be. But I was bored and tired; I was tired of not being seen. Nothing new ever happened in this town. Everyone just lived, stuck on repeat. It was getting frustrating. I couldn't remember anything apart from living here, but I had nothing of substance. I felt like I had been here too long and no one even knew...and nothing ever happened. It was all the same, day after wretched day. Until she came.

I had never seen her here before.

She traipsed through the streets, her steps buoyant and carefree, as if she were walking on air. Her beauty was like a car crash. She was petite and the way she carried herself, clumsy but with grace, reminded me of a fairy; of creatures I had never known. Her features were delicate atop her light skin; the color of smooth ivory. She had rosy cheeks, a small button nose, and thin, pink lips. Her hair was cut short and a deep shade of rustic red. But the real pull...If her beauty was a car crash, her eyes were a train wreck. She had big, almond shaped eyes, with curled lashes. They were a deep spring green that, when caught in the light, glowed like cat eyes. 

And she was looking right at me.

I leaned against a tree as I watched her move about the town. Every now and then she'd look back at me and she'd smile a gorgeous smile. She was so serene and charismatic, but I could see the cracks through the window of her eyes. She kept a lot of things...and she kept them inside. I guess that's what made her beautiful; her enigmatic appeal. She waved at me and I was momentarily shocked.

She made her way over to me and I got to look at her a little more closely. Her smile was beautiful...but it didn't reach her eyes...her eyes still looked sad. She remembered...something I could no longer do. 

"Where are we?" she mused. I watched as she extended her arms and spun around, her hair bouncing wildly atop her head. "What iiiiis this place!" she stopped and looked up at me, a little shaken from the spnning. She giggled. "Don't stare! Haven't you ever seen a stranger?"

"Everyone's a stranger here..." I whispered. I was still in awe. She could see me when no one else could.

"I don't know where we are." She smiled. "Do you know?"

I frowned and realized I didn't really know, yet I had been here for so long. It was just a place I was stuck in. A place between here and there. 

She put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. Her hands were warm and soft. "You've been here a while. Mind showing me around?"

I don't know how she did that, but she knew me without knowing me. I wish I could ask her why she had come here. This place is so...dead. She's so lively. I wanted to ask, but I knew she wouldn't tell me. "Sure." I responded with a half-hearted smile. "Where would you like to start?"

She pointed behind me at the brooding house atop the hill. It comically resembled a cliche haunted house. "There." She threw her head back and laughed, a wild glow in her eyes. "I'll race you!" she said as she began running through the streets up to the meadow. 

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