Chapter 1

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Birds singing, trees dancing to the tune of the wind, and the sun smiling upon the land shows a good day for job hunting but first
"Aidon, Auria breakfast" I yelled. The pitter patter of little feet could be heard coming down the stairs
" 'yawn' good morning Rose"
"Yes what time is it?"
"Well Aidon, Auria its time for breakfast then off to school"
"What's for breakfast?" They asked in unison
"Well we have Bacon and eggs with Milo"
"Yea" they cheered.

I wouldn't consider us poor, I prefer to call it going through rough times. Since mom and dad died I had to step up and be the mother that Aidon and Auria needs but I was only 17 at the time and not having a personal job kinda took the cake
"Hmmm this is our first proper meal in days"
"Sorry, I still don't have a job yet but I have three interviews today and am sure I can land one"
"We believe in you big sister"
"Yea but do you believe in yourself?"
'He's right, can I pull this parent thing off and find a suitable job, I don't know but am determined to try for the two people who believe in me the most

Aidon and Auria are my twin siblings, rumbontious little critters but I love them and can't live without them. They are like the twin wisdoms who always give me expert advice when I need it, sometimes I find it hard to believe that their just six

Aidon was the perfect example of a gentleman for that's how I grew him to be, he was just like dad in so many ways. He would turn his nose up distastefully when things didn't suit his needs, and you could always count on him to be the bigger man so he's mostly in charge with his soft silky black with red streaked bed hair with spikes, moms tantalising, perceptive, warm sometimes cold emerald green eyes, jaw that could break rocks, razor sharp nose, moist strawberry lips and even tho he didn't have much in body, he still had the girls chasing after his handsome looks.

Auria on the other hand was a lot like mom with her 'am always right attitude' that always seems to annoy Aidon, she would get overly excited for the simplest things but at the first sign of trouble or meaningless chatter you can find no one more serious than her. With her tall shoulder length black hair with red streaks that dances with the wind, dads over protective 'I have the last word' beautiful blue eyes, razor sharp nose that could cut paper, soft strawberry lips and a rather comfortable body for a kid. Honestly I don't know how they got red in their hair, must be mom and dads strong relationship and equal dominance

"OK kiddos, are you ready?"
"Yes rose"
"Do you have your lunch?"
"OK let's go". I dropped them off at school with fifty dollars each, kissed then hugged them goodbye and now am off to my interviews in grand dads old beaten up SUV.
'Ring, ring'
" ahhh am driving" but the phone just keeps on ringing so I had no choice but to answer it
"Rosie dear" screeched the falcon
"Aunt Hagatha, how lovely to here from you" not, this woman was a sneaky conniving bitch, no wonder mom hated her to the bone

"So to what do I owe this call after five years?"
"Well dear I was in the neighbourhood and decided why not pay my favourite nieces and nephew a visit"
"Oh how sweet of you but am afraid that am out right now and the kids are at school"
"Oh I'll pick them up later for you then"
"No!" I interjected quickly, there's no way am making that woman touch my kids
"But" she started but I cut her off
"With all due respect aunty, the kids and I are fine and we don't need your assist"
"But this isn't the life they ought to be living, in a run down old wooden shack with no food to eat"
"Hagatha your out of line"
"I can give them the life they deserve, the life you can't give them, just let me take care of them for you"
"No! No! No! F*ck no!" I was now pissed
"Rosie" she gasps. You see this is why mom never liked her and I recently began to dislike her as well for she wanted to take my two most precious treasures away from me, but not even the court can take them from me so that makes finding a job immediately more stressful
"With all do respect hagatha am more than capable to take care of them myself"
"Well I already filed custody for them so you have no say in the matter"
"What!?" I ask yelled
"You heard me young lady, you don't even have a job to give them the care they need. Now i have things to do before picking up my kids, see you at the shack" she hung up
"Shit!" I screamed while crying, thank God for the stop light.

By the time I got to the last interview at Maximilian's enterprise I was sad, heartbroken, hungry, depressed and tired. Being turned down by my last two interviews, I just wish that I nail this one, for Aidon and Auria's sake. So with my back straight, head held high with confidence I made it to my interview right on time
"Knock, knock Mr. Maximilian" said the lady before me wearing a black pencil skirt much too short for my liking and way too much face armour
"Come in" we entered and the first thing my eyes caught were the colours of the office, I loved colours except black, I don't consider it romantic, happy or jovial, it gave the room a more airy feeling of dominance, power, strength which made anyone feel small
"Ms garden Is here for her interview"
"You can leave now" he said coldly to the lady without even sparing me a glance
"If he begins to intimidate you, be strong and what ever you do don't crack especially when you see him up close and personal"
"Thanks" I whispered back before she left
"Ms. Garden please take a seat"
"Thank you sir" I smoothened the creases out of my white washed skirt neatly as i sat waiting for him to acknowledge me I began admiring his posture, even tho he had his back to me his shoulders were as broad as board and he wore a black suit with tie. When he turned around I was awesruct, I couldn't remove my eyes from his perfectly sculpted face, chiseled jaw which could cut diamonds, cold emotionless silver eyes which could uncover all your deepest darkest secrets, leaned nose which am guessing he got for getting it broken so many times but it didn't make him look any less of a god and his body, oh my god those muscles, and no doubt he has some well defined six packs then my core started throbbing
'Oh god am in trouble, why does this man have to be so god damn sexy, now my legs are sticky and am all hot and bothered. What are you doing to me you sexy well suited devil?'

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