Wistria- The wild flower avengers fanfiction

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Life started like any other day. Ms.Craner cooking beakfast, the chatter of girls as they got ready for the day, and me looking in the mirror, my black hair covering my face. I sighed. Another day of waiting for someone to save me from this prision I call a home. I quickly brushed my hair, making sure my new magenta highlights were showing and got dressed. Ripped skinny jeans and a fushia tank top with a black leather jacket was my outfit for the day. As I laced up my boots, I herad Ms.Craner screech:

                                                           "WISTRIA!! HURRY OR YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE!!!" I growled. That old hag makes it like i am deaf! She always yells at me. I grabbed my backpack off my bed and flew down the stairs.    

                                                               "I could hear you ya kn-" SMACK! Her spoon struck my cheek, burning oil still on it. All the girls gasped, most of the little ones covered their mouths.

                                                                 "Do not ever use that tone with me ever again, or else, you'll be on the streets! Do you forget what I have done for you! I saved you when you were a little baby! Learn your place Wistira......or no one will ever come to adopt you, understood?" I glared, clenching my fists. She smacked me again. Then hit my back with her whip she kept by the stove. I've been hit with it several times before, the scars can prove it.

                                                               "I said UNDERSTOOD!!" 

                                                               "Yes ma'am...and you won't have to worry. Cause I'm leaving this dump, see ya later hag!" I growled out, grabbing my bag then slamming the door behind me as I left

                             'Stupid old lady! Thinking she can control my life!' I thought, roughly kicking a pebble. I walked through the normally busy streets of New York. So involved with my own thoughts, I didn't even see the red car that was heading for me. Before I could move it was to late. I flew back a few feet and landed on my back. A painful crack was heard and I laid there, not wanting to move. Two blurry figures came out of the car and rushed to my side.

                                "TONY!! You hit her!" I felt two fingers press against my neck. My eyes slightly opened to see a pair of blue eyes and blonde hair. Another man stood above him, wearing a suit with sunglasses.

                                     "Come on. we can bring her to Banner, he'll take care of her." Two strong arms wrapped around my knees and my back, which ended up with me screaming in pain

                                     "Sorry." The blonde whispered, adjusting his position so it wouldn't cause me so much pain. Laying my head on his chest, I slowly lost all consciousness.


First chapter!! Just wanted to see if anyone likes it! 

Please comment if you like it!! 


Also, who should Wistria wake up too? Here are the choices:

-Clint Barton (Hawkeye)

-Steve Rogers (Captain America)

-Tony Stark(Iron Man)


-Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)

Comment your vote!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2014 ⏰

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