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"Come on you price of trash!" He grabs me pulling me into the ally. I start to cry as he slaps my face. "HELP!" I scream with tears running down my face. As I scream his eyes fill with anger and his face become red while his muscles tighten. He has had me for a year but he killed my only family so I had nothing to look for or anywhere I wish I could be. He raises his hand to hit me when he turns his head in shock. "Stop!!" I hear a voice and a blur running towards me because as soon as he turn he hits me 3 times and put a cloth on my nose making me lose sight. For now I just see spots of light. "Omg, please be alright please." I hear multiple voices saying down the alley. I can't tell anymore my head is pounding and I think I'm laying on the floor. As everything get brighter I close my eyes.

Later that day....

"Is she awake? Maybe? Is she breathing?" I hear a bunch of voices mumbling around me. I flutter open my eyes to see s group of people surrounding me with worry. "Are u ok?" Everyone says so close to me but they step back realizing I was confused. "What?" I say scratching my head. A guy sits down with me and smiles and gives me a hug. I start to cry and he whispers in my ear with a sweet voice "it's okay, let me know and we can talk." He says pulling back and rubbing my back. "N..Now." I say looking at him. He gives everyone a glare and they head upstairs. " can u tell me what happened?" He says giving me a innocent smile. I tell him about the last year and all the abuse and pain and risk he's put me at. "Did u ever get pregnant?" He ask and then feels bad. "No." I say grabbing he grabs my hand and makes circle with his thumb on the back of my hand. I have never really trusted men but this guy was different. He had a sweet smile and actually cared about what happened. I didn't have a crush but I did like him as a friend he seemed like a brother. "My name is Jake." He says letting go of my hand. "I'm Madison." I say looking at him smiling. He looked young maybe around 22 but I didn't know. As soon as I look away he leaves and another guy comes in. What are they doing tasking turns to see who I like or something? "Are u okay? I mean no your not why would u be, I mean...." He says rambling I thought it was cute and I blush. He just laughs and looks into my eyes. His were different from jakes. His didn't look innocent m they looked concerned, concerned for me."I'm sorry" he says looking at his feet. I laugh and he looks at my face and he bites his lip. "Can u tell me why he was doing that?" He ask my in a shy but kind voice. After I explain to him I cry even more than when I told Jake this time it felt like a was reliving it. Like Jake he hugs me except I put my head in his chest and he puts his fingers through my hair. "I'm Madison," I say starting to stop crying but still hugging him. "I'm Emilio." He says I accented voice. I don't know how I just noticed it but I like it. It's later that night and everyone is in bed. They didn't have a extra room so I had to sleep on the couch. But I couldn't sleep, I was scared, scared he would come back and hurt me again. Then more I think the more scared I get. I look Around the area and see a room and I run to it to hide. I run in crying and I lock the door and just sit by the door. As I sit down I see a shadow in the distance. He is in the room, the lights are off so I see it from moonlight. The shadow gets closer and I scream. "Madison! What happened!" The lights turn on and I see that the shadow was Emilio. I run to him and cry. He picks me up bridal style and put me in his bed and he lays next to me cuddling me. I turn and lay on his chest and quickly fall asleep. I wish I could stay this way forever I don't know why but I feel safe near him. Who am I kidding he doesn't like me it's just Another Fantasy I think to my self. While thinking this I feel his hand grab on tighter like a hug and pull em even closer. He kisses my cheek and whispers "I know I just met u but I really am worried for you." And just like that I smile and head off to sleep.

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