Chapter 1

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Waking up to an annoying alarm clock for school,isn't very appealing I would say.

I hate going to school. But I also love swimming, and the only way I can stay on the team, is if I don't miss days, and keep my grades up.

Sucks I know, but it's worth it being a varsity swimmer.

You would think. 'Oh she's one of those popular bitches and preppy girls.'

I'm actually not. There are a lot of people who don't want anything to do with me.

I don't have many friends, and that's because I don't trust people easily.

I just sometimes wish my coach wouldn't make us get up so early in the morning, I mean waking up at 4:30 to get at the pool by 5:30, and starting practice at 6:00. You'll be very tired and grumpy.

The water always wakes me up though, and the team understands my trust issues with people,so they leave me alone and let me do my thing.

I'm one of coaches most prized swimmers though. He would be devastated if I moved, or quit the team.

Yea the coach gets a little bit controlling sometimes, that's cause he just wants us to go to state.

What he doesn't know is that soon, I'm going to be quitting the team.

I just can't take waking up, so early, and going to bed late, not getting enough sleep.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love swimming, it's just I need more sleep. It's not healthy getting 4 hours of sleep every night.

'Hah yea soon though I will be getting my sleep back' I thought to myself, as I got up ready to start my day off with the pool.

'I hope coach doesn't kill us with the main set today, like he did yesterday, cause if that's the case I'm not even gonna swim it.

"Hannah sweetie, are you ready for me to drop you off at school?"

"Yes mom just let me get my shoes on, I'll be down in a sec." I tell my mother as I hurry to slip on my converse and run out my room, to find my mom waiting at the door.

"Okay mom lets go, I don't want coach to get upset again after last week." I told her as I climbed into the truck.

"Oh yes he was rather upset, I never thought he could turn so red." My mom said giggling.

I let out a small laugh remembering how funny it was to see coach so mad in front of the team.


"Mom can I just skip practice today? I'm sore and I didn't get much sleep last night." I asked my mom while hoping she would let me sleep in. I was already late for practice so I didn't see the big deal in showing up, only to get yelled at and embarrassed by coach.

"Hannah you know how much coach expects you to be a leader on this team, get up your going even if you do not swim, you can still sit on the bleachers and watch." Mom told me while pulling the covers off of my body.

I groaned in protest, but got up anyway. 'Looks like I still gotta get up early anyway, though I'm not gonna take any bullshit from coach today.' I thought to myself as I walked out the front door and got in the truck.

"I know I'm tired too pumpkin but this team needs you, they need you to be strong and help lead them." Mom said to me while I looked out the window.

With a sigh, I only nodded.

"I'm going to get down with you, in case your coach has something to say I'll settle it, don't worry too much about it." Mom said taking a glance at me then looking back out on the dark road. I could see a faint smirk on her face, and I knew she wouldn't take his bullshit this time.

"Thanks mom. I'm just tired of getting up this early, I love swimming but I wish we could practice in the afternoon." I told her as we pulled up to the pool.

I understand how you feel sweetie, so just go sit down and let me talk to coach. Don't worry I'll put him in his place."

"Oh I know you will mom" I told her as we got out and headed up through the double doors.

I looked around to see practice was in full swing, with a set that looks like it could kill. I also saw some swimmers glare at me as if saying 'how could you skip this practice?'

I wanted to laugh at them, but I kept it in and went lay down on the bleachers. Waiting for the yelling to start.

And did the yelling start.

"What do you mean she isn't gonna swim today? I don't see a thing wrong with her! She's perfectly capable of swimming right now!" I heard my coach yell at my mom.

I feel bad for him at what's about to come.

"You listen here baldy! My daughter is sleep deprived, stressed, extremely sore, and carrying this team to regionals. She deserves this day off, not only cause she works hard but because she also needs it. Haven't you seen her? She can barley keep her eyes open at home to concentrate on homework." My mom yelled at him loudly.

Ah poor guy I almost 'almost' feel bad for him. But my mom is right, I do need this.

"That means nothing she can still swim, being tired is just another excuse not to swim." Coach yelled my my mom getting in her face.

Haha oh shit, you shouldn't have done that coach.

"You listen here you little shit! My daughter is going to rest on those bleachers today and your not going to say a word, or look at her while practice goes on, and if I do find out that you forced her into the water, I will pull her from the team. UNDERSTAND?"

"Whatever." Coach said and stormed out of the office, yelling at the swimmers in the pool to go that they missed the interval.

I will never forget the look on his face though. I wish I had gotten a picture. It would has been funny.

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