Christopher - A letter from me to you.

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Those first words are just the first step into life.
Then comes the steps, falls and crashes that brings; smiles, laughter and tears.
Sooner than you think in one quick blink and everything is bigger.
No longer are you grabbing things to hold you up or so you think.
This is just a dream, you're really living a nightmare. 

You have people keeping you upright, standing by to feed and clothe you.
Doing all the things you wish you could do yourself.
Don't hate what life has given you, thank it.
For it wouldn't show people how special your life is and how easy it can all be taken.

Just think you are the lucky one.
Now smile and stop wishing you were different.
You are beautiful in everyway possible and don't doubt that. 


Written back in 2012 on the 28th of January at 9:09pm  

This was written for my older brother who was dealt a difficult hand in life with multiple disabilities. Though each day has it's ups and downs he is still going strong to prove how much he can still achieve and learn despite being told otherwise. 
All my love. xoxo

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