The end is always the beginning

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I can't move

I can't breath

The pain is killing me

But it will all be over soon right?

Nobody can stop destiny from happening.

I can feel myself crying blood but the pain that had once been in my neck is turning numb.

The world is slowly fading...

I wish that someone could pop out of somewhere and be like Jk your not going to die but I know what's coming

Seconds feel like hours of trying to fight for my life but we all know it is not possible to survive this.

My murderer smirks at me and starts walking to my family that's sobbing for me.

"No" I weakly say and try to grab his foot but he kicks my arm to the side.

He has a knife in his right hand and it's covered in blood. I wish I could say it's mine but it's my fathers .

I quickly glance at my father and quietly whimper. He's lying feet away from me motionless .

He tried to stop the murderer from getting to us but....I don't think I need to explain.

I on the other hand got my neck cracked but I feel no pain anymore.

I wish I could save my family

I wish this would be a nightmare

I wish tomorrow I could just wake up and see them all in the kitchen eating breakfast

I wish that I wish I wasn't wishing that much

"I love you" are my last words that are directed to my family. Hopefully the murderer didn't think I was talking to him cause the only thing I would love to do to him would be to break his face.


And more darkness

And more

Until I finally open my eyes

And see...

Mickey Mouse kissing Daisy?!

Just kidding I actually see the universe

I'm lying in dirt

Not just any dirt

It glows

"Hello?! If this is a joke I will turn into hulk and rip you apart!"


"Ok I will cut you into pieces and then kill you!"


"If this is a trick to make me think that I'll go to heaven but really I'm going to hell you can come out now!"

I sat down kriss-cross-applesauce on the floor and impatiently blew some hair out of my face.

"If this is a joke someone doesn't know how to make a good joke" I muttered to myself

Out of nowhere a star started glowing more than the others.

"Oh no if you think I'm gonna walk all the way over there your sadly mistaken!" I screamed . Well anyone that where here would think I am crazy cause I was talking to myself. But obviously they where not here to even know I was screaming.

Suddenly out of nowhere something lifted me up and trew me closer to the light

"Boo! Throw me harder what are you a-"

Then it lifted me up and left me hanging there

" Hey what's up?"I said

"Me" I chuckled at my stupid joke wishing someone would hear it

"You know I thought you could bring me all the way till wherever the ceiling ends but I guess-"

It brought me all the way till the top

"Ok alright! You win! The force is strong with you! Now could you put me down?"

Then I started falling

"Oh no shdbansndnsnnxbcbd!"

"Puahhhh! This dirt tastes horrible"

I stood up from my awkward position where my ass was sticking out and my face was feeling the not so good glowy sand

I had been thrown by a Jedi

"Whoever you are teach me the ways of the force" I slowly bowed but again nobody was there

I glanced at the star that had grown more since I last saw it.

If I walk towards it I'm dead but I'm already dead right? So what's stopping me? The end is always the beginning but what makes me so sure?

Curiosity got the best of me and I started walking to the light even though  it was never good to walk towards it.

Even if the light seemed close to me it took me like ten minutes to reach it.

And by how lazy I am and how I hate to move 10 minutes turn into 20

And 30



What's next ?

Yeah I remember it's 80

And well you get the idea

By the time I reached the light I was sweating like a pig

The light then disappeared and I disappeared with it

Waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles!
Translate- Hope you guys are enjoying the story! I've been thinking about this story for a while and hopefully it turns out into a good one!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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