Chapter 1 - Will you help me?

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It was 5 in the morning. Ethan woke up. He groggily opened his eyes. He felt different today. He felt... Cold.

Ethan got up out of bed. His stomach made him lay back down. He felt his forehead. HOT. He realized he was sick. Ethan grabbed the phone beside his bed. He called Mark. He heard three rings until an answer.


"Hi-i.. M-Mmark-k"

Mark opened his voice. "Ethan are you ok?"

"Ya I-Im Fine-e. Just a l-little s-s-ick."

"Ethan you are not coming over to work today. You rest."

"But M-Mark-"

"No buts. You need to stay home. Ill send someone over to take care of you."


Ethan hung up and tried to get out of bed. His stomach said NO. He shrieked in pain and layed back down. He heard a knock at the door.

Ethan forced himself up ignoring the pain. He limped to the door. He opened it.

It was Tyler.

"Tyler? W-what are you doin-ng here?"

"Im here to take care of you, blue boy."

Ethan let Tyler in. Ethan went to his room while Tyler followed along. "What kind of sickness do you have?"

Ethan looked at him back. "I dont know actually."

Tyler chuckled and entered his room behind him. Ethan layed on his bed and Tyler sat next to him.

"Why do you care so much Tyler?"

Tyler replied. "Because your the editor. Im not editing videos for you."

Ethan laughed. He turned over away from Tyler and fell asleep. Tyler walked into the kitchen to prepare soup.

Tyler started to think. Why do I feel so caring? Tyler did not like the thought of Ethan sick. Because they had known eachother for so long.

Tyler started to get worried. Wait! I havent checked his tempeture! How am I gonna treat this?!

Tyler ran to the bathroom and grabbed a thermometer. He ran back to Ethans room to see the Blue haired boy sleeping.

Ill check his tempeture later.

Tyler went back to the kitchen to cook the chicken. Tylers mind started to calm down a little bit. He had never felt this caring before.

Ethan was passed out on the bed. He was very tired.

Tyler walked back into his room once Ethan was down. This may be the Care talking, but he looks... Cute. WAIT CUTE? WTF TYLER CUT IT OUT!

Ethan woke up to Tyler walking in the room. "Hey Tyler."

Tyler walked over to Ethan. "You want some soup?"

"I would kill for soup."

Ethan couldnt move his arms to get them. They mustve fell asleep. Ethan tried one more time. Not succesful.

Tyler chuckled a little bit. "Do you want me to feed you?"

Oooo a cliffhanger lol. Sorry for the short chapter guys theres another coming soon.

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