Wait For It

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Word Count: 3,530

"Why should I even listen to you?" Carlos asked, turning his head slightly to look the other over his shoulder and walking back to the hideout that the VK's were currently residing in.

"Carlos, please!" A hand was placed on his shoulder before it was shaken off with a simple shrug. Carlos kept walking at his normal pace, not really wanting to walk faster because a small, regretful part of him wanted to hear his voice. To feel his touch. To feel everything that was once his and only his.

Carlos heard the heavy steps catch up to him, hearing the clinks of the various metals that clung to his clothing and before Carlos looked back at him to tell him off, to kiss him, to just hold him; he was pulled into an alley with a few lanterns casting their glow across the filthy place and crates littered across, some broken and others in semi-perfect shape; good enough to hide and carry stolen loot in.

Carlos looked around the alley, trying to memorize the alley, every nook and cranny, trying to find anything to look at that wasn't him. That wasn't steel blue eyes that made him weak in the knees and his heart melt into a puddle of goop. A soft whisper of his name is what made him look at those eyes with such openness and hope that something might happen before narrowing and trying to have anger in his eyes.

"What is it Harry?" Carlos sounded more concerned rather than angry.

"I'm glad you're back but... What if your mom finds out?" Harry tilted his head, the wildness in his eyes dulled and concern taking the place, his hand making vague motions while the hook that he held on to shined against the flames. "I've made sure word got around that she wouldn't know. But I'm still worried."

Of all the things that he thought Harry would tell him, of all the tones he thought he would use; he never thought it would be those words laced with concern. With eye looking at him, through him, looking for anything that was out of place, constantly flickering towards his lips and hair.

Carlos steeled himself, his stomach turning in knots before he cleared his throat, "We're leaving as soon as we get Ben back." Carlos was surprised that his voice was steady, that it didn't waver or show any signs of weakness that he feared might leak out. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have need to go. Bye Harry."

Carlos turned around, trying desperately to get the son of Hook out of his mind. He was so close to the exit. If he raised his arm, his fingertips might've just made it past the grimy brick walls and into the cold air and pathway that was hardly occupied. But instead, his arms were at his sides, still inside the alley way because of three simple words. Three simple words that he told Dude everytime he came back from class. "I missed you." And worst of all, they sounded true. It actually sounded genuine and that's what caused Carlos to turn around.

Carlos stared at Hook  with wide eyes and his bottom lip trembling ever so slightly that it might have been impossible to notice. Carlos walked back up to the pirate that stroke fear in people - even when Mal did rule - and placed his pale hand against the cool, red leather. Carlos inclined his head, just slightly and placed a chaste kiss on the chapped lips.

Carlos began to pull away, his eyes still closed before he felt a rough hand grip his wrist and pull him back. Carlos heard metal clang against the pavement and felt two hands grip his small waist. His lips once again blessed by the chapped lips that were always in a smile that was either predatory or in genuine laughter.

The grip wasn't rough. Harry was normally rough but when he was intimate, he was soft and gentle, never pushing when he was with the son of Cruella. Anyone else, they always got different sides that always changed, the side that wanted to dominate or the side that wanted to be helpless, to be submissive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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