At night...
"It is my turn to make food" Yara said to her friend
"Okay, we will wait you!" Sakura said
After an hour...
"I've finished, come and try them"
As they started eating Yara wait them untill the finish
"So how it was?"
"Soo yummy!"
"What about you, Kuro-Kun?"Yara
asked"I dont start yet"
"You dont want to eat what I made?!"
"No, not that.....I was just waiting you to eat together"
Yara sit on the chair and said
"Lets start!" with a smileWhen they finished eating...
"So, do you like it..?"
"I like it? You say I like it? I love it!!"
The next day's noon....
"I'll make luch today!" Kuro say
Yukizumi: "Okay..I have to go to my home for about an hour, good luck!"
Kuze: "I will take Sakura-Chan in a walk, have fun"
As they go out....
"So.....I...I will just go to my room!"
Yara exclaimedWhen they all come and the food is finished...
"I finish making food!"
"Good we are hungry"
They all taste the food,its taste was bad
"Eeew! I cant eat those" Sakura say
"Nor meee!"
"Me too"
While they was talking, Yara finished her plate and put another one.They all look at her exclaimed
"Are you eating those?!?"
Yara dont say anything, she just continue eating......
She finshed the second plate while others were looking at her"She put a third plate!!"
"I never seen her eating more than one plate before!"
"If you dont want to eat them dont do!"
She dont listen to them again and continue eating.
When she finish."If you are not going to eat them keep them to me for dinner"
"W-wait!! You ate three plates of the worst food ever!!?!"
"And also you want to eat the rest at dinner?!?"
"Did you just said THE WORST food ever?!?!" Yara say angrly as she stand up "If any of you say this sentence again I will not eat anything you will make!!"
They all stoped talking and look at her.
"Do you like them?!" Kuro said
"Honestly......If I can eat of them EVERYDAY I will be happy"
"Really!!" She smiled "But..can I ask why did you cry when you was making it?"
"How did you know that I cried when I was making it"
"I taste a happy tears in the food while I was eating.."
"I cried because....."
He stoped talking, then Yara say
"Because what..?"
"Because....the food you made was delicious and I was trying to make mine delicious too, I was sad because it was the first time I try to make a food by myself, but I was happy because you will eat something I make!"
"How lovely are you" she smiled with closed eyes ^-^
Their friend was watching them silently then they clapped for them👏👏👏
"How romantic!"
"You are the best couple I've ever seen!"
"Yeah, and when are you planning to get married?"
Yara and Kuro blushed much and look at each, then they looked at their friends.
"Whenever she wants I will marry her!"
"I want to marry you when I get 18 years..... if you want to marry ME!"
He looked at her and take her hands
"I will not marry any girl other than you, I dont even notice any girl except you!"Yara looked at his eyes and blushed alot, then she smiled and said
"I will be ready whenever you want me!"
New Life, Together Forever
RomanceA girl travel to Japan with her online friends to meat their last friend who is Japanese, they live together in their friend's hotel, two of them are in love with each other even before they traveled......... And more interesting chapters waiting fo...