Quiz of love

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Chap 1

Every teenager has a day in their life where they feel the whole world is against them.! Right now I m experiencing it..!MY PARENTS!!Aggrhh..!

My mom as usual her nagging self and my dad as usual a dictator..... Right now we were having a fight regarding what should I wear and go to college.

As u can see I am from a Indian family so that's why one of the most important thing is our self presentation!

So here my mom was telling me to wear some casual clothes and dad was telling me to wear normal. You must be wondering why is it so important for me because it was my quizz day..! .one quiz which can give scholarship and change my life .

So here I went with my Mom and voted for casuals.My dad no doubt was little bit upset. But with my "Happy hug" as my mom says it, he was ok with casuals. With wearing black jeans and sponge bob's blue t-shirt and a high ponytail I headed to college but before that my mom called and said "Katie you are one of the most beautiful and intelligent girl. Be proud of yourself and go for the quiz. " aww she knew that I was nervous like hell and with that words she boosted some confidence in me.

So here is how I went for the quiz!

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