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A/N: This is an AU-ish fic, has very little to do with the knb plot. You'll see what i mean :)  Mentions of self-harm, might be triggering.

Word count: 2845

"Why? Why is this happening?" Hyuuga thought as he held back his tears. He was sitting on the floor, with his back agaist his bedroom door and his knees pulled up to his chest.

Hyuuga's parents were downstairs, arguing again. The boy had gotten used to it, or at least he thought he did. Most of the time Hyuuga would intervene when things were about to get heated, or if he wasn't home when they argued, they would stop once he came home. But that wasn't the case this time.

He opened the house door to hear them shouting. He closed the door, and just stood there. Watching as neither of them bothered to acknowledge their son's presence. Watching as his parents who were once deeply in love, were now busy throwing insults at each other.

He took off his glasses and put them on the ground. He rubbed his eyes, then sighed. When was it going to end? Would it ever end? Those thoughts clouded his mind. He then thought of Kiyoshi Teppei, the smiling giant who, somehow, was always able to cheer him up. Hyuuga recalled his parents' first big fight, roughly a year ago. It was serious, insults were exchanged and plates were broken. It didn't come as much of a surprise, the two had rarely been talking to each other. Despite that, Hyuuga was relatively anxious. He ran to Kiyoshi's house and was greeted with open arms, literally. They sat on Kiyoshi's bed and the brown haired boy tried getting Hyuuga to talk with, but no avail. As night fell, Hyuuga thought one of his parents would call him. He was past his curfew, and one of them must have been worried.

But no one  called. And that was when he broke down.

He started sobbing, forgetting about the fact that his "crush" was right before him. He buried his face in his hands. He didn't care about keeping it together anymore. All he could think about now was how happy him and his parents used to be and how much they used to care about him.

"Kiyoshi..." Hyuuga was tired, so much that only a single word fell from his lips. Kiyoshi, without faltering, had wrapped his arms around the other boy. "Shhh.... It's okay, i'm here...I'm here." he rubbed circles on Hyuuga's back, whispering words of comfort into the others ear. The two stayed that way for as long as they could remember.

Afterwards, when Hyuuga was feeling slightly better, he wanted to go home. Kiyoshi had insisted on him sleeping over, saying that he shouldn't go back to a place which saddened him. "I appreciate the concern, but i can handle it Kiyoshi. Good night."

But now, with tears streaming down his face and the sounds of his parents shouting ringing in his ears, Hyuuga questioned the truth behind his statement from almost a year ago. After that day, Kiyoshi brought up the topic only a few times, never asking too much. It was as if they made a silent agreement between each other; Kiyoshi asked the question, Hyuuga gave the usual answer -something within the lines of "nothing to worry about."- and that was it. Kiyoshi never knew that Hyuuga's parents would argue more and more often with time passing.

Hyuuga took his phone out of his pocket. He sent a message to Kiyoshi.

The brown haired giant was at home alone, watching the re-run of a Korean drama on TV. His phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it out to see a message from his long-time friend.

H: Are you busy?

Kiyoshi sat up. What had happened? Hyuuga wasn't the type to text, unlike himself. He sent a quick reply:

K: No, what happened? Everything ok?

H: Parents fighting. Bad. Can i come over?

K: How about meeting somewhere?

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