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     The sound of the bullet was startling, but I was more frightened that I would be next. If I was going to get shot why didn’t the shooter just let me die by getting eaten by a walker? I look up to see a boy who is probably about my age; he looks about seventeen maybe eighteen. I can’t help but notice how muscular he is, mainly because he is wearing a muscle shirt, and I have to stop myself from staring. I snap out of it and push the now dead corpse off of my body in a disgusting fashion. I jump to my feet with a appalled look on my face and wipe my hands on my jeans. Then I just crossed my arms and tried to determine if he was an enemy or an ally. I mean obviously he can’t be too bad if he hasn’t killed me yet. I can see that he has a very nice sniping gun that could kill me before I could even grab an arrow from my quiver. Speaking of which, I walk over to my bow and arrows to retrieve them and when they’re in my grasp I load it and point it at the boy. I mumble to him, “What do you want with me.”

     He looks at me with his dark brown eyes with a smirk on his face and says, “Is this anyway to treat someone who just saved your life? By the way you’re welcome.”

     I lower my bow and say, “Sorry no one can trust anyone now-a-days, and thank you I probably would have died if it wasn’t for you.”

     He laughs, “’Probably would have died’? You would have most definitely been dead if it wasn’t for me.”

     I think about it and he is right. Without him I would be just another zombie walking around. “Well thanks again,” I respond, “By the way, I’m Nevaeh.”

     All he responds with is, “I’m Louis.”

     I suspiciously inquire him because I always thought I was the only one who got their supplies in here, “How did you even get in here?”

     He looks at me like I’m a lunatic and bluntly says, “This is my hideout. How did you even get in here?”

      I explain to him, “Well I open the back door, and then I walk in. Magical, really.” I explain with a sassy tone.

     “So you are probably the one who left the back door open about two weeks ago.” He implies.

      The last time I was here was three weeks ago, but maybe I left the door open and he got here two weeks ago. “Three weeks ago.” I correct him.

      “I’ve only been here for about two weeks”

     “Knew it.” I mumble to myself. I attempt to keep the conversation going by asking, “Where are you headed to?”

      “Hoover Dam but I’ve been resting here until I have a better plan besides walking there.”

     I chuckle, “Ha that’s a two hour drive and would take forever to walk to.” He stares at me and looks unamused with my making fun of his plan. “So, um, can I come with you?” I ask. Although I knew how dangerous that this could be, I took the chance because I felt that I could trust him. An ally would be nice they are great company.

     He stood in silence for a moment before speaking. “You most certainly cannot!” He remarks. My jaw drops in shock. He notes my expression and adds on, “Hey, don’t take it personally. I don’t want another mouth to feed, another body to protect, and I don’t need anyone to fall in love with me” He smirks and I roll my eyes.

     I proceed to turn around to grab my duffel bags and proudly announce, “Well I guess you won't be needing my car either.” I look back at him with my own devilish smirk.

     He raises up one eyebrow and says, “Hold up, you have a car?”

    I pick up my two large bags and turn around in one swift move, “1995 Explorer with a full tank of gas, but, I mean, you don’t want that, right?” I brag. We stand in silence for about twenty second as thoughts run through his mind.

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