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I woke up scared, the feeling of being chased still ran through my veins. I could barely recognize I was now in my bedroom, but somehow I knew she was still there watching me.

I suddenly got up, I wasn't controlling my body, I was struggling but it seemed it had no effect, I was screaming but no sound came from my mouth.

It was still dark outside, the sun was about to rise soon. I opened my notebook and started writing. My hands were shaking, my blood felt as it was boiling inside, my whole body was shivering, or at least that's how I felt. I couldn't help feeling hot; I managed to open the window, perhaps that action was just pure instinct of survival. I came back to my desk and kept writing. I didn't recognize the language; some twisted letters were all over the pages, the speed that my hands had taken while writing was obviously non human.

All of the sudden I collapsed and lost conscious, by the time I opened my eyes the sun was rushing through the curtains on my window. It looked like I just had a bad dream and fell out of bed. "It was just a nightmare", I said to myself in order to convince me and shake off all that eerie felling, but as I was standing up I saw written papers all over the place and one of them was in big letters and in a bright red color that looked like blood. It said RUN.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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