When The Sun Fell In Love With The Moon

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-This is Boyf fiends. Be More Chill. Enjoy!-

Thousands upon thousands of centuries ago, while the world was nothing more than dark and silence, along with the murmur of the gods above, there was the Sun. The Almighty Sun, who shone like no other thing in the dark, declaring his rule for all to hear.  He was the boldest thing, the source of life and light. He was a child of the gods, and had been gifted with powers that no one could wish to obtain. The gods promised him his reign of rule, as the King of the soon-to-be world, of water and land and all things good. He had it all... at least, he thought he did when a dim light in the darkness caught his eye.
Micheal looked off in the direction of the dim light, squinting to try to see what was causing it. No doubt, he hadn't seen it before, didn't even know it was there. It sparked his curiosity, making him want to see what that mysterious light was. For some reason, each one of his senses told him to go over there, like there was something important, life-changing, that would be over there. He slowly and cautiously made his way over to the light, it getting brighter the closer he advance towards it.
The Moon trailed his delicate fingertips over the brightly illuminate stone of silver, which he deemed a Moonstone. It brought him a sense of joy, his own little creation. The Gods weren't too specific in his making, but he was made to be beautiful, decorated with silver jewels and stardust from head to toe. Something to admire, the gods told him. Something for the life in the perfect world they were creating to admire. Jeremy was broken out of his thoughts as light reflecting from the Moonstone caught his eye, causing him to look up... and see the brightest light that ever had the grace to shine. It was so incredibly bright, he had to look away for a moment... but turned his head right back. The light was golden, a contrast to his silver... and intoxicatingly. He couldn't look away. Soon enough, he could make out that a being was the center of the beautiful spectacle.
The pull of the dim light was almost overwhelming, he didn't know what was happening. The closer he advanced towards the intoxicating light, the brighter he shined. It was interesting, for it had never happened before... What could be so important... Or... Who? The closer he had gotten, he could make out someone. Someone beautiful, enchanting, some he had never noticed before. His eyes grew brighter, as he took in the spectacular being in front of him, that he was approaching. His golden light contrasted with the silver that surrounded the being, who looked right back at. As he grew closer, he stopped a few feet from the beauty, taking in that he was a male. The sun grew a bit anxious, being in the presence of someone like this... "...Hello."
All it took was one word for the Moon to be rendered breathless. He stared at the majestic being, covered with light and rays of sparkles. It... was so bright. He was so bright. The Moon wasn't used to such brightness, it's eyes were as delicate as everything else it had been created from. The Moon itself was a dim light, only a speck of light you could notice from thousands of miles away. But... this being... he was absolutely amazing, with an aura that threatened to chase away the darkness. With a light to rule the world. Jeremy regained the ability to speak, clutching the Moonstone tightly as his eyes refused to leave the light. And him. "H-hello..."
Oh goodness, his voice was as beautiful as his features. He had to know the name of this beautiful being. How has he never noticed him before? Someone has beautiful as him should be noticed immediately... He was absolutely breath-taking up close, he looked so delicate. He wasn't as bright as The Sun himself, but it was enough to make him mentally swoon. He wanted to reach out a touch him, but he didn't think the beauty would appreciate that as much. Instead, he took a few more steps forward, his light somehow getting brighter. "What is your name?"
This being... seemed to be made from the gods' hands. His voice... it said so many things. It was so bold, so friendly, so... wonderful. The Moon wasn't quite certain how the butterflies entered his body. "M-my name... the gods call me... Moon... b-but in terms of mortal life... my name i-is Jeremy." It was strange hearing the cracks and stutters of his voice, but the Moon hadn't spoken in a while. That, and the being in front of him made him extremely nervous... and warm. There was something about his light that drew him in, perhaps how warm it was... he didn't feel as cold anymore.
It was a beautiful name. Both of them were beautiful... The name matches the person it was given to. This was a being made by the gods themselves, he was almighty... "What a beautiful name for a beautiful being. The gods call me Sun, mortal name is Micheal. It's a pleasure to meet you." He made a few more steps towards him, the light around him getting brighter. He let a smile rest upon his face, it being almost blinding to those who looked at it. Funny... he hadn't smiled in a while. And that all changed because of this extraordinary being.
He called him beautiful... the gods did as well, but the way he said it... Jeremy couldn't breath. Once again. His light was blinding, but he didn't dare look away. Let his eyes be blinded if need be. Micheal... Sun... both fitting names. And that smile... for the love of the gods, he would do anything to see that smile. He had always been aware that he was cold. It was natural. The Moon was cold. But here... all he felt was warmth. And something else... the smile from the Sun brought his own smile, taking baby steps towards him. "L-likewise..."
His hand rested behind his back, his smiling growing a bit wider. The smile resting on Jeremy's face was as breath-taking as the rest of him. He was incredible, never seen anyone like him before. He had to be bold right now... but how could he be bold in front of someone like this? The Sun was always warm, always provided warmth. But... He felt so much warmer, just by being in the presence of... him. He took a few more baby steps towards him, them being closer now. "I couldn't help but notice you. You truly are a beauty."
"I-I..." Oh stars, how could he respond?! The Sun- Micheal was complimenting him in ways that left him wheezing for breath. How could he do that to him? How? And he was getting closer... but he was so bright and warm... it was so tempting to get closer... The Moon continues forward, trying to relax his smile as Micheal's words captured his heart. "T-thank you... Micheal. Your light... it's incredibly dazzling. I've been cold for so long... it feels nice... l-like this..." Was that too much?? He really needed to calm down. His nature WAS to be calm...
Already. He had just met Jeremy, and he was already capturing his heart. Was it too soon for that?? Most likely. But did he really care at the moment? Nope. All he cared about was that smile on Jeremy face, and thinking of ways to keep that smile on his face. "Thank you Jeremy. I must say the same for you. It's been a while since I smiled like this... Maybe it's you who caused it." The Sun continues forward, them being so much closer now.
Could celestial beings blush? He didn't know, but certainly felt the heat rush to his face. And he was almost positive it wasn't Micheal's light. That beautiful smile... he was the cause of it? The Moon... himself? Impossible... or was it? Be calm... let the serenity find you... his smile became more relaxed... and he couldn't exactly help it being loving as well... "I'm flattered... it really looks good on you... maybe you should practice smiling more often." Ok, so far, so good. Be still, beating heart... be still...
Ok, you're doing well enough. Maybe dial it down on the compliments? But... his smile. It looked so loving... That made him feel... something... kinda giddy, and excitement... And happiness? Huh... happiness. That made him smiled more, taking a huge step towards Jeremy. They were only about an inch apart now, making him feel just a tiny bit more nervous. "I'll try. But I might need your help though. You're the only being that has ever made me smile like this."
He froze, noticing all the details. Micheal's ever-widening smile, the distance between them... Micheal's voice... he sounded like he was... attracted. In love. Was it? He couldn't be sure... the thing Jeremy realized the most... it was for him. They had just meet and were showering compliments towards each other... and he already felt head over heels. Micheal's smile, his warmth... Jeremy needed that. And Micheal needed him. To keep smiling. To cool him down when he got too heated.
Legends say the Moon took the hand of the Sun and held it to his heart. With the spoken words... "It would be my pleasure."
His eyes grew brighter at the touch, his hand feeling a bit cold. But... it felt nice. By how close they were, their light combined, golden and silver mixing with each other. He was on cloud nine right now, he had never felt this way about... anyone. But this incredible being, this beautiful, spectacular being, was able to steal his heart in a matter of minutes. He was in love... He wanted him, he needed him...
He took the other hand of The Moon, placing his lips upon it, looking up at him, and say, "Thank you."

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