Natsu's Crush ( one shot )

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Lucy's P.O.V

Geee its so hot today... I wonder what Natsu's up to?

I walk to his table and saw him and Gray as usual in their fighting mode.. Same old same old..

"Grr.. You really wanted a fight eh Ice popsicle?"

"Oh doesnt it look like it Flamebrain?"

"Topless ice!"


"Ice princess!"

"Flame eating freak!"


And here comes Mighty Erza to save them both from themselves..

"WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!? IM TRYING TO EAT MY CAKE HERE!!!" and she smacks them both in the heads..

"Itai! Erza that was mean *pouts*" ahaha thats Natsu for you..


After their brawl and Erza's victory, I walk up to Mirajane and sitting on the bar stool.

"Oh Lucy! What will you have today? The regular juice?"

"Oh you always read my mind Mira! Yeah! Juice is what I'm ordering!" man Mira know me damn good! I give her a medal for reading my mind!

"Coming right up!"

And she serves it to me with an umbrella ontop. Its really cute. After taking a sip of my beverage, I look around Fairy Tail. Cana and Macao drinking, Gray and Natsu fighting, Erza eating her cake quietly, Levy reading some books, Gajeel eating some steel from the pillars that hold the hall, Wendy talking with Charles, Happy trying to impress Charles by giving her fish which turns out Charles took it and thanked Happy which he responded with a cute thank you and a blush. Elfman saying "manly" things while Evergreen is sighing , Master talking with Laxus, Freed complimenting how awesome Laxus is and Bixslow playing with his floating friends. *sigh* Fairy Tail is really the same..

"Ne Lucy, have you heard? Natsu has a crush!"

A crush? Natsu having a crush? Psshh! I dont believe a dense idiot like him would have a crush on someone! He didnt even notice my feelings for him sadly...

"*snickers* oh really? He's s dense i dont think he'll even like someone." so dense i say.

"Oh now now Lucy. He might be dense but he has a heart and a mind." i guess you're right Mirajane.. But... I still dont believe him having a crush on someone.

"Yeah sure he really is dense Mira! I swear he is!"

And just the bad timing, Natsu HAD to show up.

"Who's dense? Who are you guys talking 'bout?"

"AH!! NATSU YOU IDIOT!! YOU SCARED THE LIFE OUTTA ME!" i mean who wouldnt be scared when someone pops out of nowhere and joins the conversation!?

"Ah gomene Luce. Who are you guys talking about?"

"No one in particular. *whistles innocently*" tehee~

"Hmmm... You sure about that Luce? Hey Mira who were you guys talking about?" i swear Mira if you are gonna say it..

"Oh we were just talking about yo-" and i covered her mouth quickly before she said anything else.

"Ne Natsu lets go to a mission! Look theres a good one for ny rent!" distraction time! If i let him near Mira she would tell him everything.

"Please? *puppy eyes*" -Lucy

"Okie dokie!" phew! That was a close one there!

"Hey Natsu i found a good one! Here take a look!"

Please go and get me a herb that can be found in the Southeast forest of Magnolia. Its a green, leafy, and pleasant to smell.   -Shop Owner of Teat Bouiles
Reward: 500,000 GEMS

"Tss Luce thats so easy!!" no its not. Theres a catch though.

"No its not. Before we ge the herb, we have to defeat a monster." yes thats the problem..

"Haha I'll kick that monster's butt!!"


After we talked what time we're meeting up at the train station, i went home to get ready. Its a shame Happy cant come cause he and Charles has a "date".

*sigh* Natsu's crush has been bothering me lately. Him having a crush? Seems impossible. But maybe he does.

Its not that I dont believe he has one or Mira cause he is a dense idiot who cant even see my feelings. Tsss...

Time: 10:00 pm

Oh gawd! Gotta sleep!! I have decided to ask Natsu about his crush TOMORROW so the pang in my chest will be gone.

The Day After

I've got everything so I'll go to the train station.

At the train station

"Hey Natsu! Sorry if im late!" woah Natsu came first!? Woahhh.

"Nah its ok Luce! Lets just go shall we?"


After riding the train.

"Ugh.. I feel like vomiting now."

"No you are not vomiting in the train station. We are already here Natsu!" *sigh*

"But why did we have to take the train to the forest?! We could've just walked!"

"Of course we needed to take the train cause if we walked, we would be walking for 4 hours to the forest!"

"Fine fine. Ugh.." hehe thats Natsu for ya.

"Lets go shall we?"

"You betcha Natsu!"

I gotta ask him today. I have to.

"H-hey Natsu,"


"D-do you have a crush?"

"A crush? Of course!!"

"Mind telling me who?"

"Its simple! Its you!!" ME!?

"Woah wait wait. Me? I thought its still Lissana?"

"Huh? We are just childhood friends thats all."

"Luce, its always gonna be you. Always. Remember that." that voice always wins me over.


Hey hey guys! Its not that super lovey but i hope you'll like it!!! Its the longest one shot with NaLu i had so please support!! Votes and Comments are always appreciated!!


Natsu's Crush ( one shot )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon