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"What? M-mom...No! Hell no! Im not going to abort it what's wrong with you?" you said with a heart full of ache. Of course this baby was unplanned, a quick surprise, but killing it was the last thing you would do. Not even the last thing, you just simply wouldnt. "(y/n), you aren't married! Your job isn't enough, you live in an apartment. What is our family going to think? Your cousins are all married and connected to very important families and you decide to ruin our families name by doing such a stupidity!" she said. It hurt you, it did. She cared more about peoples opinions than your happiness and support.

You remained quiet, holding back curse words and tears. "(y/n) this is for your own good. You dont want your name to be in others peoples mouths for negative reasons-"

"This baby isn't a negative reason, you are..I cant believe you would even suggest that to me. I know I was careless and I truly am afraid, but I have a responsibility. I dont- I truly don't give a fuck what other people will think. I dont care if my name gets thrown around in senseless bullshit. Im going to keep this baby," you said to your mother. You felt your tears run down in pure anger. This wasnt what you expected to hear from a mother.

"Do not speak to me that way. I refuse to be dragged down with you just because you were incapable of even using protection. Youre stupid. You brought yourself an incredibly huge problem and I will not carry on with it. You will get rid of it before it gets any bigger and ruins your body. Dont ruin things more than you already have with this horrible news," she said before hanging up and leaving you in silence. You sat there knowing the trouble you had gotten into- the trouble Jimin is in too, but that nights moment involved two minds to agree and you did, so you couldnt just blame yourself but instead grow stronger for the baby that grew inside you.


12 a.m.

Jimin kicked his shoes off and hung his coat by the door. "(y/n)~" he sang in a very soft tone. The apartment was silent with you sleeping soundly in his bed. Your mind was full of worry even as you slept. You heard his gentle voice calling you from the front door. It was hard to think of a way to tell him you are pregnant..and he's the baby's father. You were afraid of him walking out on you as most fathers did as if it doesn't take two to create a life. You always heard about mothers left alone in situations like this. Although you would try your hardest, being alone was always something to fear. Its always so easy for them to ignore their carelessness, call it a mistake and just walk away like they didn't just promise you the world the night before.

Your eyes squinted at the bedroom light being turned on. "Hi! Im back," Jimin said as he laid down on the bed next to you. "Hi," you responded. There was nothing but worry drowning you and making your heart race every time he looked at you so lovingly. He spoke with his rough, tired voice, "I wanted to come home already. Im gonna go shower and ill lay with you." He looked at you with his eyes half closed in desire to sleep, but he still held a smile and caressed the stray hairs away from your face.

You felt helpless. There was something in you needing to shed tears. Your chest tightened up, forcing yourself not to cry as he touched you ever so gently. You just hoped he wouldn't run away. "Go shower then, i'll be waiting," you said as you reached over and caressed his cheek. Who knows if this will be the last time he accepts your love. He grabbed your hand and kissed it twice before getting up to shower.


7 a.m.

You heard Jimin shuffling around the room in the dark. He always refused to turn the lights on so they wouldn't interrupt your sleep as he got ready for work. Instead, he used his phones light to find his way around. He was always so careful of you. These days you've been light on your sleep, obviously with worry. You woke up when he did, but you pretended to be asleep. You stayed immobile and watched how he sat up when his alarm woke him and how he sat at the edge of the bed for a few seconds, rubbing his tired eyes and yawning away his sleep before he sighed and got up to go to the restroom. You wished he could get more rest, but in his mind, you were the only good reason he got up for work every day.

You stayed in the same position, but you saw how he used his phones light and quietly opened his drawers to pick out a shirt and a pair of jeans. It was something you couldnt get enough of seeing even if it was something as simple as that. You would watch him the entire time and heard how he went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee to help him wake up. You heard how he sang a song in the kitchen but stopped when he got back to the room just so he wouldnt wake you up. He would sit at the edge of the bed and put his socks on, yawn a little more and check the time on his phone. All these tiny details he did for you every day and you were just noticing it now when you were most full of anxiety and agonizing thought. It thieved your worry away so easily.

You felt him lay back down and rest his arm on your waist as he hummed in annoyance of having to go to work. "Baby, Im leaving now," he said as he pulled the blankets up to cover your body. You hummed, pretending to have been woken up, "really?" you complained and you heard a small laugh from his throat. "Yeah," he said as he cuddled you closer and nuzzled his head to your tummy. You gently rested your hand on his head and ran you fingers through his hair. It was the best feeling in the world for him to be exactly like this and you wished to be able to hold him like this even after telling him you're pregnant. He was just centimeters away from the baby he didnt know was there and it made you so damn nervous, but even this moment made you hopeful of the future.

"Okay," you said, letting go of him and he moved up closer to you, kissed your cheek and forehead and smiled, "I'll be back at the usual hour. Lets plan something fun this weekend," he said before kissing you one last time and getting off the bed to leave. "Bye~" he said and you waved goodbye before he walked out to the front door, put his shoes on, grabbed his coat and left. You remained awake until the day brightened up even through blankets of thick clouds.

"Time to go grocery shopping," you said to yourself and began getting ready at around 9 a.m. You were bored anyway, so leaving your thoughts here a while was helpful in a way. You stepped out after having a good breakfast and stepped into the cold weather outside. Winter felt like it lasted forever here. You hid in your coat and began walking when a familiar voice called for you, "(y/n)." Your heart sank and you quickly turned around to see your mother approaching you with heavy, fury-filled steps. "What are you doing?" you asked and she grabbed your arm. You furrowed your eyebrows and tried tugging away, "I told you you're going to get rid of it. We're going to the clinic now," she said and you felt panic. You tugged away but couldnt slip away from her grip.

"No- no mom please dont do this!" you begged with urgent cries. Obviously you were against her, but she was your mother and you still respected her. Not her decisions and opinions, but her as a person and as your mother. "We are going and its final," she said but you fell on your knees and laced your fingers together, pleading with all the respect you could to your mom. You would do anything to protect the little being in you. "I dont want to do that mom please! I want to keep this baby. I know it'll be difficult, but I will succeed. I promise I'm not as terrible as you think i am. Its only been a moment with the baby, but I am in love. I love this baby and I want to keep loving it through everything. Please give me this. I will never ask of anything else from you!" you said with tears that streamed down like rain and a voice that shook through her heart.

She continued her attempts to take you as you pulled away and refused until a group of friends exited the apartment you lived in. They saw how she was forcing you to commit something you would never subject yourself to do and they saw your tears and her fury. They ran to help and tore her grip from you as they helped you up and kept you safely away from her. "How dare you bring so much embarrassment like this?! Its like you desire for our family to fall in shame. You're selfish. Nothing good will come from this. I swear to you. Dont ever come back begging for us to accept you. Do NOT bring that.....child to us because I will not open my door. You will see yourself through this alone," she said. Every sentence she screamed at you felt like you had committed a crime. You felt hated and despised by your own family, your own mother. It made you question what her decision would be if she had become pregnant from you inconveniently.

She walked away without looking back and it destroyed you completely. She left you there. All your hopes and expectations flowed out in a matter of seconds and were instantly replaced with anger and desperateness to trust in no one else but yourself. Everything suddenly became colorless and questionable. Everything...

Winter (Jimin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now