Chapter 1

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Freshmen year, my first year of college, I had been waiting for this my whole life, I wanted to escape my small town after what happened last year, it was hard looking at people, they all had this sympathetic look in their eyes even tho they didn't get it, they never will.
Here I was walking to my first class of this semester I only knew like 1 maybe 2 people in this whole school, why did I decide to go? Oh yeah I remember, I had to.
As I reached my first class I saw my best friend Jace in the table in front of him sat someone who immediately had my attention, I knew noting about him but I felt dragged towards him but I didn't move, who was he?
As I reached my best friend Jace who was a sophomore I asked "who's that I front of you?" "That's Edward, The schools player" Jace Said. "Oh by the way, there's a party tonight, and you are going, I'll pick you up at 7" Umm what just happened? "Umm sure"

As time passed Edward was still on my mind, I didn't even really know him that well why was he on my mind that much? "Because that he's hella hot" my subconscious added. No it's more than that. It's something different. Maybe I will find out. Or maybe I won't.
Perhaps he will be at the party. I hope so. I want to get to know him better.

I'm in my dorms getting ready for the party dressing up in a purple summer dress and some light makeup and curled hair. I've also been a 'natural' beauty if you ask my family, sure I've had boyfriends before and stuff but nothing serious. The first boyfriend I had left me for some other girl, the second one. Ha turns out he was not straight. I kind of saw it coming but he was so nice about it and I kind of like it... i miss him so much here. And then my last boyfriend argh... it turns out he was sleeping with not one. Not two but all of the cheerleaders which was like okay gross thanks but no thanks.
As the time approaches 7:00 I hear Jaces car pull up outside. He drives an old Ford Mustang. I walk out to greet him "hey Jace how are you? You ready?" He nods and gestures towards his car. "Ladies first" I giggle a little and walk up to his car where he is now holding the passenger door open for me. I get in and we take off toward the party. "So umm... who's gonna be there tonight?" He thinks "I guess the football team, cheer squad, and we'll whoever wants to come." He shrugs "who's on the football team?" I ask "umm the only one you might know is the quarterback Edward who you'd wanna stay clear off" I look down to my fiddling hands. "Why?" He just raised an eyebrow at me and stopped the car, guess we had reached the party because I could hear the bass and see A LOT of people on a field of grass, there was a beer pong tournament going on I think. At least it looks that way. As we approach the two tables that are sat up I hear someone say "hey Jace, you playing?" Jace nodded dragging me with him but another girl bumped me off to the side to the other table. As I look across the table I see Edward leaning onto the table with a lock of his dark brown hair falling onto his forehead with the rest combed back. "Hey blondie! Ready to play?" He looks me up and down I got a sudden burst of energy and replied "you're gonna lose. Bad!" He smirks "I'm not so sure about that" I just laugh "okay then let's put something on the line. If I win... Ooh I get your varsity jacket" his smirk grows "okay and if I win I get to make out with you right here on this table" he holds out his hand. Oh no. "Get ready to lose your jacket" he throws me the ball and I throw it towards his cups and manage to hit one. He gulps it down unfazed and throws the ball at my cups and hits into one. Damn. As I throw the ball it bounces right besides the cup and he grabs it. As he throws the ball it spins in one of my cups and I try to blow it out of there but with no luck "I would've thought you'd be a better blower!" He laughs. It's not funny but I put on a smile anyway. I take a drink of the liquid. What is this? Pure vodka? He must see my face "it's vodka and lemon soda. Too much for you?" Nah well maybe but no. I gulp down the rest and my throat is burning by now. I guess the other cup was like rum and coke because this is not good. My vision is spinning but I manage to hit a cup. The game goes on and he's still got three cups while I got one cup. As I throw the ball it bounces on the cup and away from them, he throws and hits directly into the cup. Fuck... god help me... "so about the bet..." he comes over to me places both of his hands on my cheeks and places his lips on mine in a sweet sensation. This lasts a couple of seconds until I feel his tongue enter my mouth and the kiss heats a little. This is good. As he moves away my breathing is a little heavier and I'm now just feeling how cold it has gotten. He looks down at me his hands are now on my waist and he must see that I'm freezing because he takes off his varsity jacket and drapes it over my shoulders. "Don't spill on it!" He gives me a stern look then walks away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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