Bright Eyes

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Lucy's POV

I was the new parents had just moved in here and to tell you the truth I was a little nervous...I mean I knew innocence wasn't something one could survive on, but...I couldn't help being this way!

I grabbed my bags, and then prepared to walk out the door, but...something stopped me, " Hm...why..I get the feeling today is going to be a great day!" she cheered.

With this she grabbed her drawing book, and walked out the door.

My school was pretty big...well not super big...but good size I guess; one could get lost in it quite literally and....spiritually...

I saw the different quirks and groups quite clearly....The jocks, the popular, cheer, was very clear....

Then there were the of them was this one girl would had a thing for picking on me.

" Hey!" the tall girl's voice broke my train of thought. I looked up into her eyes, and saw fire in them.

Her bright green eyes, and her long brown hair was not something that I could miss.....this was Alex, the school bully....

" Hey, Alex..." I said, my voice somewhat shaking with fear, but mostly trying to stop myself from trying something on her; I had in my hand a small origami beetle that was ready for battle.

Alex looked down at me, and then shoved me at the locker. I winced in slight pain as my shoulder had gotten bruised.

" Aw, what are you scared, Luce?" she sneered at me, " Why don't you draw some sort of animal or something; I bet that'll help you." she mocked me.

I glared at her, wanting to do something, but a part of me didn't want to hurt anyone. I closed my eyes, and waited for something to drive her away.

" Hey, back off!"

" What?" I gasped softly, opening my eyes, and there in front of me was a boy....he was dressed in red, and his amber eyes glared at the girls.

" You heard me! If you're going to pick on someone; pick on me! Cause I'll beat you back to where ever you came!" the boy continued to make threats to Alex, but for some reason she didn't hear nor...even see him.

" What's happening?" I whispered, but Alex heard me.

" What's happening? Oh I'm about to just take this-"

With that my beetle was taken from my hands, and then ripped to shreds right in front of me.

" Why did you do that? I mean-" I stopped myself, and shook my head, " Okay...I get it.." I whispered, lowering my head.

Alex dropped the shreds to the ground, and then shoved my shoulder as she walked past me.

" Later, freak!" she sneered, as she disappeared in the crowd.

My body suddenly felt weak, and I leaned onto the lockers, silently trying to breath. I was on the verge of tears, but...then I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.

" okay, kid?" the voice said.

I looked up, and saw him......that boy that Alex couldn't see...

" Um...yeah.." I stuttered, wiping the tears, " Yeah..I'm fine...thank you for trying to stop them.." I added.

The boy looked at me, and sighed, " You're not fine....but I'm glad you can see me." he said.

I stopped, and looked up; my eyes widen with shock at his last words, " What do you mean?" I asked.

The boy looked at me, and a scowled appeared, " When I woke up in this weird hell...I had no idea where I was or what happened....then to top things off when I tried to ask for help they treated me like some sort of ghost...honestly what did I do to deserve this. I guess when I saw them picking on you; I tried to help, but forgotten that no one could see me.....or at least you can." he said, smiling a bit.

I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest, and felt myself blushing a bit, ' Why...why do I feel safe around him?' I whispered to myself in my head. ' Then...why does he look so familiar?'

As the boy had spiky brown hair, and he was dressing in a red ninja outfit of some sort; then....his eyes....they were burning; a burning amber.

' I know I've seen someone like this somewhere....but where?' I asked myself.

" You okay?" the boy asked me.

" Oh?!" I gasped awake, and shook my head, " Yeah...I'm okay, I'm sorry....but if I'm the only one that can see you....then...wait, why can I only see you?"

The boy shrugged, " Don't know, but I'm just glad someone can see me, it makes my situation a bit better."

I looked at him as I noticed his change of tone; he seemed almost sad.....but..why? Maybe he's a ghost or something....a lost soul trying to find peace?

" Hey, so I mean just wondering what's your na-" I was about to ask him his name, but the sound of the five minute warning bell came on, and I panicked. " Oh no! I'm going to be late for my A period!" I gasped; grabbing my bags, and started running down the hallway.

" Hey, wait up! I rather not get lost here!" the boy yelled, and ran after me.

' Great...well I'll have to ask him later! But...but now I'm stuck with a boy who I can only see....for the rest of the school day! Well..' I glanced to look behind me, as the boy was still running after me, and smiled. ' At least I have someone with beats being alone all day.'

But....I wonder....who is he? Could he be possibly some sort of guardian angel or something??? 

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