The Right Crew

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Captain's POV

Captain's Log July 18 1817,

Today's the day I find a crew, I always work alone but the Queen of England said I needed one. Yes I'm a pirate, you know the ones that steal stuff from the weak, I am but my dad knows that I am one and he as orders from the Queen to tell me any info.


       Captain Daisy

I put my Jurnal in my bag and walked off my ship and went to find my new crew. I found a bar and I went in. I went up to the bar and ask the bartender for 1 cup of Pirate rum, he handed it to me and said "You know Pirates are not welcome in some parts of the world" "I know, see that guy at table 6,  when I leave give this letter to him got it" I reply. He nodded when I handed the letter to him then payed and left. I went to my places in the town of Old England. Then I stayed here about 3 weeks before people started to bord my ship. Uh must be my crew I thought before exiting my captain's corters.

"Ah welcome to the Ship of 325 crew. I'm your Captain Daisy" I finish before taking of with my new crew.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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