E s c a p e. - short 1

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He rested his head on my shoulder. "How many times do I have to say it?" he whispered lightly against my ear. "I'm sorry." he says as I turn to face him looking into his eyes. "For?" I questioned.

"Waking you, but at the same time I dont regrett it." He said holding me closer to his body wrapping his arms around my waist. "It was a good dream." I whispered with a light smile listening to the waves as they hit the sand out side of my window.

I smiled listening to the waves and the birds over head as he kissed the top of my head. "What was it about?" He questioned sitting up a little resting his body against the bedframe playing with my hair.

"What if we didnt have to leave this place." I told him sitting up a bit with a bright smile. "What if we moved here after the wedding?" I added.

He looked at me with a very confused look on my face. "You want to move here?" he questioned rasing an eyebrow at me.

"well why not, think about it? we wouldnt have to start a family in the city. or we could at least keep the house for summers. this place is beautiful." I say playing with a strand of my hair.

"I mean the schools arent bad here." he says with a shruge. "but what about our jobs and your writing, you cant just give up all of that." I scoot closer to him pressing my hand gently to his face. "My writing hasnt even taken off yet. and this would be an amazing place to start." I tell him  pecking his lips gently.

I rested my forehead against his looking into his eyes. "lets just think about it." I whisper against his lips.

He smiled a bit. "I mean it is a nice place in the summer and spring seasons, but what about fall and winter?" he sighed looking back into my eyes. 

"There is so much to think about babe." He adds brushing his thumb gently against my chin.

"you act like the winter and fall seasons are any better in the city." I tell him. "we could stay in the city for the fall and winter seasons and come here mid spring early summer." I tell him resting my head on his chest.

"As I said lets at least think about it." I added with a light smile as he ran his fingers through my hair gently.  "I just don't think our small one bed room apartment, is a good place for us to start a family." I sigh.

"What if we built our own house." he said with a bit of

That wasn't what I was expecting. "Our own House?" I looked at him as my mouth dropped a little. "if your joking by saying that... its not funny" I look at him as my mouth dropped even more.

"It's just an idea." He chuckled. "We could even build it right  along the water." he adds with a light smile.

"A big and also kind of expensive idea."  I say shaking my head. He pressed his lips to the top of my head. "this house has so many memories in it." I tell him. "We could make new ones" I glance over to the door frame seeing mine and my sisters height drawn in bright pink crayon. "Why get rid of the old ones when we can just add new ones?"

He was silent for a moment. "True." he finally said. "We should talk to your parents." he adds gently resting me on my side of the bed as he got up.

I looked up at him looking into his eyes kissing his lips deeply. "well I may have already spoken to them.." I said twirling a strand of my hair.

"You did?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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