Story 1

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It's not easy living in a world where you know exactly when everyone's going to die. It's even harder not knowing how soon your day will come.
July 24

Hey, it's Kevin. I'm going to start recording everything that happens in this journal thing because it's such a crazy concept to me. If anyone ever finds this journal, I swear I'll be sent to a mental hospital. So, basically, everyone here can see exactly when everyone else is going to die. It's sick. But here's the catch- they can't see when they're going to die. Like I can see when anyone will die, but I don't know when I will. I'm currently in a coffee shop downtown and I feel so bad for some people. I mean, they have no clue what's coming. It sends so many people into a spiral of depression because of what's happening, but I try my hardest to stay positive. Because that's what everyone always expects me to be. Positive, optimistic Kevin. Anyways, I don't even like coffee so I don't know why I'm here. I'm going to head home now.

July 25th

I had an ex friend call me today apologizing for everything they've ever done. I of course forgave them, they never really did anything, we just kind of fell out of friendship. It was so weird, they just continuously apologized. I don't know why, it's so weird to me.. anyways, I have a few errands to run today. I hate the word errands. But I have to go to the grocery store and get some food, then I'm going to some business meeting thing.

Still July 25th

Today is such an odd day. First, when I went to Target, the cashier looked me up and down a few times and asked me how old I was, which was weird enough, but then she gave me all my groceries free of charge. It was just so.. unusual. Then at the business meeting, Kirstie started crying but wouldn't tell anyone why. Then the whole group took me out for ice cream and wouldn't let me pay. I'm just so confused, why is everyone giving me special treatment all of a sudden? Well, I have a huge headache from all of this, so I'm going to go home and take a nap.

July 26th

I'm starting to get so sick of this. Everybody is offering me favors and trying to do things for me because they act like I can't do it on my own. I absolutely hate it. I just want to scream at them, "GUYS! IM NOT HELPLESS!" UGH. Well, I made a doctors appointment for today because my headache won't go away. I have to be there in 10 minutes, so I should probably check in now.. I bet I'll look so stupid carrying in a leather notebook to a doctor's office... Oh well.

Still the 26th

The doctor left and I'm so frustrated. The original doctor that came in kept leaving, then another doctor would come in, etc. I've been here for an hour with absolutely no diagnosis. I mean I'm not short tempered, but this is really pushing my buttons. Well, here comes another doctor, so I guess I'll put this notebook up and listen to what they have to say.

Once again, July 26th

The doctors refused to diagnose me.. then waved my fees. I don't know how many times I'll have to say this, but I am so sick of it all. I'm not a baby. I have a stable job. I can do things myself. Why are people treating me otherwise?

July 27th

I'm so lightheaded. I don't know what's going on. I get dizzy just standing up. I can't swallow anyrhjng. I can hardly evzn typs at this point. Im not even sure if you guys whll be able to raad what im writing. I have absolutely no motivation to do anytjjgw. I feel nauseous. I just want to die.

July 20somehinf

i cant write in here anymore. It rewuited too much work and my brain can't take it. I'm sorry.
the rest of the story will be told by a narrator.
Kevin was getting so weak. He couldn't come to any band meetings, he forgot how to play the cello. He couldn't remember simple words. His whole world was turning upside down right in front of his eyes. He tried to stay strong in front of his parents and band mates, but he just couldn't do it. He knew his time was coming soon.

The next day Kevin thought about it. Long and hard. And although he couldn't remember many things, he remembered people treating him like a little helpless baby. It came to him. He finally understood. He was being treated like that because everyone could see his death date. That the day was coming soon. This was so much to think about. Kevin drifted off to sleep..

His eyes were shut but he saw bright lights shining through. He heard a steady beeping.. then a gasp his eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked around. It seemed to be dark outside, he didn't know where he was, but his mom was asleep in a chair beside his uncomfortable bed.. He grunted loudly and a body jumped out of one of the many occupied chairs beside him. He then heard sniffling.. he recognized it as his father's. His dad then turned to wake up his mother and sister, and they all gasped and soon he was flooded with people surrounding him. It was a comforting feeling, but he didn't understand.. why couldn't he see their death dates? And why was he all of a sudden in a hospital.. everything was confusing. He still had a headache, but it was very mild. He looked at his family with a puzzled face, and they explained everything slowly so Kevin could understand. Apparently, he had to undergo surgery to remove a large tumor in his brain, because he had a rare form of brain cancer. Everything he had just said, remembered.. was all in his head? A dream of some sort? He was in a coma? As hard as he tried, he couldn't make sense of it all. But the notebook.. he could've swore he knew it was real. He decided he'd worry about all that later, for now he would just enjoy the time he had left with his family.

July 23rd, one year after Kevin went in for surgery

Kevin was finally moving out! He's lived in the same two bedroom apartment since he first moved out of his apartment, and he had now found a new house to move into, closer to L.A. The moving truck was waiting for him right outside, and he thought he was ready to put all the boxes in.. then he realized he forgot to clean out the drawer beside his bedside table. He knew this wouldn't take too long at all because it was mainly candy wrappers from late night Netflix marathons. He walked back into the room slowly, taking it all in for the last time. He had an odd feeling in his stomach for some reason.. but he figured it would go away soon enough. He opened the drawer, expecting to find food wrappers and soda cans.

The drawer had been mysteriously cleaned out, except for one thing.

All that remained was a small, rectangular leather notebook, and an ink pen.

Assignment 3 - Kevin dormWhere stories live. Discover now