1. No Sense

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So I first just want to say that I do apologize for not updating on any of my stories. A lot of you do message me and still continue to write comments on them asking for me to continue and I've decided to do so. Everything has been hectic lately so I decided to take a break so I could get my own self situated. Now that I am back, I have made a promise to myself to be consistent with writing. I decided that I will update my stories each month with 3 chapters ( if that makes sense). Although this is a new story I hope you guys enjoy and give me great feedback and also critique me. Thank you.


I sat in fury as my boyfriend Kendrick, walked into our bedroom after all of these hours. " Do you know what time it is?" I asked him while my eyes followed him.

"7 A.M." He answered clearly, sounding as though this was no big deal. I chuckled amazed at his response. If he thought he could leave whenever he pleased and waltz back in the house like it was no big deal whenever he pleased as well, he gladly had me mistaken.

" And that's okay with you?" I asked him, waiting for a response but didn't get one.
"Kendrick. You know I'm not with this whole coming in whenever you please crap, so you need to tell me right now where you've been because there's no justification as to why you've been out all yesterday and just now returning. "

Kendrick just kept ignoring me as if I was just a brick wall. I watched as he took off his short sleeve shirt showing his bare, muscular chest and threw it on the chair in our bedroom.

" Look time got away from me. I'm tired and I don't feel like hearing your mouth." He said, taking his pants off.

I folded my arms " Where were you Kendrick." I spat out. He was definitely trying my patience. He didn't want to hear my mouth but he was the one out all night? No. I don't think so. My mouth was going to be heard whether he liked it or not.

" Man damn. I was at Jason's house and he had a bunch of guys over and we all just had a little too much to drink and played cards. I fell asleep Mel. Let it go. I'm here now."

I chuckled. "Do I look naive to you? Nah I'm gonna need a better excuse than that." I shook my head as I watched him crawled into the bed, with his back facing me.

" Believe what you want, that's on you. Turn the light off, I gotta get up for work in the next three hours. At least let me get some sleep."

" Work in the morning? You've been working all week, from night to day. You mean to tell me you don't have one day off?"

" Man stop with the ridiculous questions. Go to bed damn." He said sucking his teeth in.

" Kendrick you really got the nerve to come home at 7 in the morning and act like your the one that should have an attitude. I stayed up all damn night waiting for you. I almost filed a police report. And then you act like you can't answer your phone at that! I'll ask all the questions I want to ask."

" Babe just please let me get 1 hour of sleep, that's all I ask from you right now." He said now turning to face me. His big brown eyes always had a way of making me weak whenever he looked at me.

" Kendrick please just be honest with me. If it's someone else, tell me. I don't deserve this from you."

He didn't respond, increasing my frustration. "Goodnight." He said turning his back once again. I wanted to slap his skin off his body. So many thoughts were running through my head. I didn't know if I wanted to cry or if I wanted to just break everything that was near me.

Knowing that my boyfriend could possibly be messing around with another woman almost shattered my heart. It was like I was unable to breathe.

Kendrick and I were never like this. I never had to question him about his whereabouts and why he came home so late each and every night. He swears up and down its his job that has him working these crazy hours, but it was never like this until 1 month ago. Thats when things changed. He was the CEO of his company, so it didn't add up as to why he returned home so late every day.

We had been dating for at least 6 years now on and off, 7 in just a couple days and moved into this cute little apartment. I met Kendrick while I was in my senior year in high school. He was a new student and everyone loved him. He had the looks, and the charm. He could've gotten any female he wanted but he chose me, the nerd.

I sighed, deciding just to drop it. He was
stubborn as a mule, so what was the use of trying to get answers? Plus I was tired.

The next morning I awoke to a missing Kendrick. I shook my head as if I was surprised. I initially wanted to make plans with him for today but all of that crumbled when he told me he had to work only just a couple of hours ago. I grabbed my phone and went to my call log and clicked my friend Desiree's name. Hopefully she was off today like I was, but who knew, I mean she was a pretty busy woman being that she was a social worker. Luckily I got an answer after a few rings.

" Hello? " She said with a groggily voice.

" Desi, I could really use your company today. You think you could make time for ya girl or you busy with work today?" I asked anxiously waiting for a reply. There was no telling when Kendrick's ignorant behind would make it back, and I really needed to get out of the apartment for a couple of hours before I went nuts.

" Girl it's 10:20 in the morning, what you trying to do so early?"

" Maybe we could go get brunch at 11, I need to blow some steam off of my chest and release it before I end up destroying this apartment girl I swear." I said in a frustrated tone.

" Okay okay, calm down! You have my full attention today for as long as you need to. What's going on though Mel?" She asked and I could hear the concern in her voice.

" I'll tell you about it when I see you, it's not anything I really would want to discuss over the phone. Meet me at Briggs @ 11:15?" I asked.

" I'll be there, I just need to drop mini me off over to her daddy's house and Lord knows I hope that goes well." She said with irritation rolling off of her tongue.

Desiree had got pregnant with Miracle , her 6 month old daughter, who was also my goddaughter. I couldn't stand Miracle's father, Alonzo. He wasn't a good "fiancé" to Desiree at all. While they had only dated for a year and a half and been engaged for a couple of months , Alonzo was very abusive and also an alcoholic at the time they were together. I remember when Desiree would come to me late at night with puffy red eyes and tears streaming all throughout her face. She never told me that he was beating her, I never saw the bruises that she may have had. It killed me to know that she had took it upon herself to hide it from me.
Alonzo didn't even know she was pregnant during the time they were engaged.

" You think you'll be okay or do I need to pop up and go over there with you?"

" Girl I'll be fine. Alonzo's been going to therapeutic classes and he's in full remission from being an alcoholic. It's not even him I'm talking about, it's that tramp he's been messing with and I've constantly told him to keep her away from my child."

I shook my head and just chuckled to myself.

" I didn't even know he was still messing with the broad. But you know if you need me to slide through I'll be there in a heartbeat Des." I said in a serious tone.

And it was very much true. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for this girl. She had been my best friend since diaper days. After our conversation had ended, I decided to get up and take a shower just to refresh myself from the previous night before. I couldn't wait to see Desiree and fill her in on everything that has been going on.

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