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' W h a t  H a v e  I  D o n e ? ' 

I blink, only to notice that i was in a strange place...it looks exactly like the underground...but more...intimidating? Oh god... i walked up and saw Flowey, he shivered in fear when he saw me which almost made me wanna laugh cuz if I'm right, Flower-goat-shit is the one who literally attempted to kill me when I first set foot into the underground. He quivers and looks down,

"*P-Please! D-Don't hurt me!!" He says, quivering in absolute fear as he cried. I snicker and walk up to him, feeling slight guilt and power. it seemed so unusual so I spared the stupid dim-wit.

"Get up. i won't hurt you, ya dork." I comment harshly, handing my hand out to the little Flower. he looked up and slowly stops shivering. Suddenly he told me, 

"*Y-You're not like them? Y-You look like them...oh then- r-run!' He warns, panicking as he and I both heard crunching. I held my dagger and grabbed Flowey, 

"Come on, dork. We're not going down without a fight." I say and Flowey imminently crawls with his little vines wrapping around my arm as i held a dagger in front. A sudden burst of flame was thrown to me and i dodge with ease, 'that attack..! I-It can't be...!' I thought, shooting my attention to the shadowed area that the ball of flame had come from. A female voice was heard,

"*Curses! I missed..." I swear...Its just...too familiar...and when she stepped into the light, i felt my soul shatter as Flowey quivered to the one goat women i dearly care for and considered my mother. I snapped out of it when i suddenly heard Flowey shout, "*RUN, YOU IDIOT!". I didn't know what to do, but my legs lost it and made a run for it, passing Toriel as tears fell.

"That can't be Tori, that can't be Tori, that CAN'T be TORI!" I practically chanted, hoping, PRAYING to GOD that was NOT her! I knew all her puzzles, but they seemed more dangerous then they where before. I continued running through the ruins until I lost both Tori and my breath. I panted as i fell to my knees, but Flower-boy seemed more relaxed and relieved.

"*Phew...we got away..." He said and i glared at him, huffing as i mustered the breath to say, 

"WE?" i huffed, "I DID ALL THE RUNNING!" I spat, attempting to catch my breath as Flowey crumpled into a little ball. But eventually, he apologized and we continued through the Ruins. It took forever to finally get out of there, but it was worth it. Surprisingly, Snowdin is more colder then it was last time i checked.

"*Geez....its a lot colder then it use to be." Flowey comments as if he read my mind and i roll my eyes,

"No shit, sherlock." I spat as i walk, already knowing this stupid drill. I heard the tree branch brake and i just continue to walk with no fear. I stopped at the poorly  boarded up bridge and i take a glance as HE appeared, his voice was different as he spoke, 

"*H u m a n.  D o n ' t  Y o u  K n o w  H o w  T o  G r e e t  A  N e w  F r i e n d ? " His voice was more deeper and raspy...honestly, it was kinda sexy and cute at the same time. dunno how, though. "* T u r n  A r o u n d -- " i stopped him by saying,

"And shake my hand." I said loud and clear, turning to see the more. I glanced at sans. he wasnt my sans. not him at all. But he had this odd look. he seemed more anxious. and nervous. He paused before asking: "*Sweetheart, how'd ya know my line?"
I pause for a moment and I stared at Sans. He then jerked his hand away
"*ya gonna answer my question or not, sweetheart?" He said in a more hostile way. I then smiled and I gently grab his shoulder.
"How about...I explain that to you, with a nice hot drink at Grillbys?" I said with at smile. He became confused by what I said and I kinda got confused too. Cuz it looked like he never saw anything say 'Grillby' before.
"*Grillby? Uhm, you mean Chillby, sweetheart." He said and this caught me off guard. 'Chillbys? That's off....everything here is off....I guess I better figure things out soon. Fast.' I thought to myself and I laughed nervously.
"Uh, yeah! Sorry, I just got mixed up. Anyway, let's go?" I ask and Sans seemed really scetchy at me. I think he's eyeing me like some sort of....uh...dangerous weapon? I have no clue...but I felt really anxious and paranoid. I've gotta watch my tongue....


Aurthor ' s little note!

GUYS! I'M SOOOO SORRY I'VE BEEN OFF FOR SO LONG ;-; Anyway!!! I'm proud to announce that I'll try publishing as much as I can! I may also make a new Creepypasta X reader stories!  Also, I'm going to make an OC x Reader book for those who enjoy my OCs. Now, I also must say that most of my stories haven't been a number one hit, but I do know that I've tried my best to make these and I'm proud of it. Thank you all for reading this, AND HAVE A GOOD DAY! :)

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