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Disclaimer: I do not Fairy Tail or any of the characters involved. All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

Please be warned. There is heavy content ahead as well as smut. So don't like, don't read. And by heavy content, I mean bondage, cock-ball torture, angst, murder, blood fetishes, etc. Proceed with caution but otherwise enjoy ^^

The salty seawater crashed into the side of the ship as I watched the other ships sink, the flags of rebellion plummeting into the rough waves. We'd been hired by Minerva Orland to destroy her enemy's navy forces, a task I would indulge in. A few weeks ago, I found out my old friend had taken up to becoming the face of the navy for the rebellion. Of course, by pirate courtesy, I left him alone since the war didn't directly involve me. However, the moment that precious emissary came to me with that letter of alliance, my passions were set on sea and my sword lay thirsting for revenge in my scabbard. Sting Eucliffe would finally be mine.

The dark oak doors creaked open as my current right hand man stepped inside to give his report. Rufus Lore was a strong soldier sent to me from Lady Minerva as her means of communications and my little information rat. We hit off immediately as he seemed to enjoy how I was oddly more gentleman on the contrary to the merciless bastards of the sea. It seemed natural to me though. I find courtesy and loyalty two important things in life. There is an art in being a pirate, and I was not one to be defaced by such stereotypical boorishness. Besides, Lady Minerva was an old friend. It would seem highly improper if I didn't show a little courtesy.

Rufus saluted and said, "Captain Cheney, we've captured the enemy's leader. I've transported him below deck to our prisoner hold and all other crew members have been eliminated from his fleet."

"Thank you, Rufus. You never cease to amaze me. Truly, you're one of the best soldiers I've had the pleasure of working with. I'll have to contact Lady Minerva about a promotion for you when we return to land," I stated. Rufus smiled and bowed.

"Thank you, sir. I'm honored to hear those words from you. I assume you'll be meeting the prisoner now?" he asked.

"I will. After all, it would be disrespectful not to at least acknowledge an old shipmate. He'll regret the moment the he ever crossed me all those years ago." I growled. "There's only room in this ocean for one pirate crew, and it ain't gonna be his."

"I see," Rufus mutters, "Well, I'll let you be on your way then. Good day captain." Rufus took his leave, and I let out a satisfied sigh. He was here. Captain Sting Eucliffe of the White Dragon pirates would fall before me, Captain Rogue Cheney of the Shadow Dragon pirates. I will shed his blood. His fate may be in my hand, however Sting would have to thank me. There could be a million other scenarios he could have ended up in. Yet, compared to others, my hand would be plenty merciful.

My hand wrapped around my scabbard, its gold gilded hilt cold in my grasp. My footsteps echoed as I began to go deeper into my ship. An iron door soon fell into my line of sight. I twisted the lock off its rusty hinges and stepped into the dim room with a single side table by the door illuminated by a small oil lamp hanging limply from the ceiling. The exhilarating smell of blood wafted into my system, and a devious grin grew onto my face. I loved the scent. It was ingrained in my brain from the moment I killed those bandits so many years ago in my adolescence. I was nothing more than a thief back then alongside my brother in arms who apparently took my trust for granted.

I went up to the center of the room and looked at the poor excuse of a leader who hung from the wall in chains. His arms pulled out across the span of the rotting wood, and his legs were fatigued and bruised. His pale skin was slowly being painted a tantalizing purple and blue. Grime matted his tarnished locks of gold, and his cyan eyes were glazed over with a depressing gray.

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