Jake x Logan 😜

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Jake snored loudly as he dreamed of Logan's hot rock hard abs. He woke up and quickly got ready for the day. Jake brushed his teeth while he hummed 'It's Everyday Bro'.

Jake put on his Team 10 hoodie and bounced out of his room and out the front door. He got in his Lamborghini and was about to start the car when he got a phone call from Logan Paul. He quickly picked up.
"Wazz up Brah" he said with a fresh dab. "Hey Bro. I need help at my apartment. Can ya help a bro out?" Logan said with a returned dab. "Yeah bro, I'll be there soon." Jake said as he dabbed again. "Sweet" Logan said with a final dab. Jake started the car and soon realised he was sweating. He wiped the sweat off with a dab and then started the car and sped off to Logan's apartment.

Jake got to the apartment and quickly got out of the car, went inside the building and took the elevator up to Logan's floor. He reached Logan's door and he took a deep breath, and knocked with a few whips. Logan opened the door and hugged his little brother. "Hey little brah." He said. Jake smiled and hugged back. "Wazz up?" He asked. Logan kissed his cheek. "I need your help.." Logan whispered into Jakes ear. Jake blushed and followed Logan.

Then went into Logan's room and had sex.


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