I miss you (saudade de você)

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We meet once

I asked for twice

On the third time i was kissing your lips

It felt good. It felt right

Like nothing in this world would ever tear us apart

But then I had to leave and you had to stay

Now I feel like an empty space

I miss you

Like I miss day walking on a street full of strangers

I miss you

Like I miss the freedom of being fifteen and having that young soul

I miss you

Like I miss watching the night goes by with no worries about tomorrow

I miss you

I just do

I remember you asking me not to write a sad song about this

I remember your smile and how you teached me to always seek the bright side of the story

But I can't help what I am feeling and I can't say sorry

I don't know when we'll see each other again

You have your world and I have my fame

It wouldn't be fair to drag you into

But I miss you

I miss you

Like the lyrics of your favorite song says that 'the stars miss the sun in the morning skies'

I miss you

Like you once told me you miss the ingenuite of having an inocent heart

I miss you

Like I know you miss your favorite boyband

I miss you

I just do.

I called you last night

You told me about 'Saudade'

And how theres no translation for that

I couldn't help thinking

How the word is perfect for what I'm feeling

There's nothing like it

There's nothing like missing you

Não há nada como sentir saudade de você.

Saudade de você

And all the light you brought into my life

Saudade de você

And the way you teached me how powerfull can be a simple smile

Saudade de você

And your fascination for the sky's twilight

Saudade de você

And the way you blushed when i told you were my aphrodite

I miss you

I just do

inside my mind [poemas/poems]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora