My life had always been a joke,
That one comedic "God" had wrote,
But escape through death is what I'd plead,
To escape this sad life I lead,
But as fate would have it,
As my God would do,
My death became a sick curse too,
For where was God when Death looked at me,
And said, "The one who replaces me is thee,",
But love is all I'd ever had,
And the thought of death at all was bad,
So you tell me I'll do the reaping,
And leave my shattered heart left seeping?,
For what in life did I do to earn,
This job that makes my stomach turn,
"Oh you," Death said with a sad strife,
"Have lead such an unfortunate life",
Things I touch now go cold,
As I reap the souls that fates foretold,
But years of this, I can now see,
That death can be a gracious thing,
For there's peace in death that seems true,
Though I may never experience it too,
Forever I'll be here,
Forever I'll roam,
Forced to live my death alone.