(1) -Intercession-

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"Reks, sir. My name's Reks."


"My brother is all I have left, sir. He's two years younger than I, living in Rabanastre."

"Captain, why? Our King- What have you done?"


"Vaan... I'm sorry. I will not be there for you- not anymore."


"-aan? Vaan?"

 The distant memories began to warp away. They fade, the emotions tied to them leaving nothing but sorrow in their tracks. Only now- the present must be dealt with. 

Take a moment to process the situation, who are we talking to?

"Sorry, Penelo. Must've spaced out again." 

Penelo. She'll be fine. She's the toughest person in Rabanastre- no Imperial Guard or Headhunter could take her down. 

To anyone who's out there, give me more time? I'll be able to provide for them. I'll let Penelo relax; take up my role as "Leader." I just- I just need time. I need time- and blueprints to the palace.

"You're thinking of stealing again, aren't you?"

Deceive. Change the subject. Deceive. Change the subject. DeceiveChangethesubjectchangethe-

"The banquet's tonight, right? Maybe Migelo could get us in." 

I'm sorry, Penelo, you may need to play Leader for a bit longer.


The waterways are like a second home to the orphans of Rabanastre. The sharp turns and random flooding become more of an aid than a nuisance, allowing us to quickly disappear from our acts of thievery. Worn down stone steps lead to rusted gates and secret entrances; a utopia for a fellow pickpocket like Vaan. The light footsteps heard throughout the Garamsythe Waterway would be almost nonexistent to an untrained ear. A few moments pass as the screeching emitted from one of the rusted gates halts- Vaan quickly closing the gate. 

One right, two lefts, and a door in the middle...

Ah, here we are- thanks, Dalan. You may be old, but your mind is sharper than ever. Now, time to get something of value. Even if it's small, anything can help.

"-Now, Fran- there's no need for such harsh words. It is just a machine."


Vaan let out a silent curse as he struggled to open the door in front of him. The rusted knob dug into his palm, leaving behind streaks of brown and black. The door stood mercilessly before him, silent and immovable. Vaan banged on the door in a quick fit of rage, instantly regretting his heinous decision.  

Frantic movement and heavy breathing caught the attention of the speaker, setting off a chain reaction.

"Who's there?"

Come on, please. Open-

"I don't like asking twice, a leading man does have a persona to uphold. Who are you?"

Vaan thinks on the question-, he understands the feeling of cold steel pressed against his back. Whoever this person is, most likely a man based on the octave of their voice, they're planning on hurting him. 

Take a moment to process the situation.

 I can play dumb- possibly buy myself time, or I can turn around and knock the dagger out of his hand. His angle and position are completely off, meaning he's possibly an amateur at what he's doin-

"Fine, don't talk. I'm not going to kill you- if that's what you're worried about. No, I think you can help us. Turn around, thief."

It'll be fine, one wrong move on their part and I can escape. I just need to-

"Please don't hurt me. I-I'm just trying to help my family!"

Vaan shuffles to face the man incorrectly wielding the dagger, almost vomiting up his sad excuse for a lunch. The face was all too familiar- just with a change in name. 

This isn't possible. Why is he here? Why is he in Rabanastre- why does he look so happy?


"Ah, Vaan. I was wondering how long you'd keep up your little facade. A pleasuring meeting you again- you really should've stuck around last time."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2017 ⏰

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